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Perera WNS1, Harshana WAS1, Bandara AGRK1, Paranitharan P1

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1 Perera WNS1, Harshana WAS1, Bandara AGRK1, Paranitharan P1
A descriptive study on pattern of regional injuries in fatal road traffic accidents (rta) in north colombo teaching hospital, sri lanka  Panel 1 Perera WNS1, Harshana WAS1, Bandara AGRK1, Paranitharan P1 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya Introduction Many causes are contributed to increase in RTA globally causing 1.2 million of deaths annually. Even though diverse local factors are influenced in different regions of the world fundamental causes as well as outcome has numerous similarities in RTA. Recognition of pattern of injuries in fatal RTA can be used to reduce consequences of RTA minimizing death and disability. Figure 2: Number of internal organ injuries Objective Discussion To identify regional injury profile among the victims of fatal RTA Most of the victims of fatal RTA are male from the age of working population causing greater impact on economy, society and family. High fatality rate among the pedestrians, bicycle riders and motorcycle riders demand further strengthening of road rules and protective measures for the group. Presence of most of the external injuries on the head, face and upper limbs and internal organ damage in head and chest warrants readiness of delivering trauma care to the specified region. Cause of death of the victims are mostly related to the head trauma having 72 % of skull fractures or intracranial haemorrhages. Method A retrospective descriptive study was carried out based on autopsy reports collected from two authors on eighty six victims of RTA from 2008 to 2016 in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Data was extracted into a pre planed work sheet, analysed using SPSS. Results Out of total 86 subjects, 76.7% were male. Most victims (55.8%) were in the age group of years. Results revealed high fatality rate among pedestrians 37.2% followed by bicycle or motorcycle riders or pillion riders 44%.16 % of victims are occupants and only 4% are drivers. Conclusion Prevention of RTA related deaths and disabilities need multifaceted approach. Understanding of injury pattern help captivating necessary actions to minimize fatal outcome of injuries from RTA. References 1. World Health Organization Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013; Time for action 2. 3. Annual health bulletin Sri lanka 2014 4.Menon A, Pai VK, Rajeeev A. Pattern of fatal head injuries due to vehicular accidents in Mangalore. Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine 2008;15:75-7. 5. Montazeri A. Road traffic related mortality in Iran: a descriptive study. Public Health 2004;118:110-3. 6.Verma PK, Tewari KN. Epidemiology of road traffic injuries in Delhi: Result of survey. Regional Health Forum 2004;8(1):7-14. Figure 1:Number of external injuries and fractures according to the region

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