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Optical Feedback in a Curved-Facet Self-Pulsing Semiconductor Laser

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Presentation on theme: "Optical Feedback in a Curved-Facet Self-Pulsing Semiconductor Laser"— Presentation transcript:

1 Optical Feedback in a Curved-Facet Self-Pulsing Semiconductor Laser
Olwen Carroll, John Houlihan, Yann Tanguy, Guillaume Huyet and Brian Corbett* Optoelectronics Research Group, Physics Dept., National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland * National Microelectronics Research Center, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland

2 Outline Curved facet laser Experimental setup Increasing feedback
Complex behaviour Broadening of the spectrum LFF, Coherence collapse Conclusions and future work

3 The device High power laser Internal focus
Application to optical amplifiers Internal focus Spatially tailored injection profile Astigmatic beam Focal point moves with current Moves less with high magnification

4 Spatial Coherence Laser focus width remains constant with increasing current for the free running laser Spatial Coherence and feedback Under strong feedback, the focal point becomes bigger, so we have a loss of spatial coherence

5 Temporal properties Laser run pulsed to avoid Heating Time series
Detector 30 ps rise time 6 GHz oscilloscope 26 GHz ESA

6 Frequency vs current Pulsation frequency squared increases linearly with pump current Same as Relaxation oscillations

7 Origin of self pulsation
Devices have a region which is not pumped Umpumped region acts as a saturable absorber But does not affect spatial coherence as the focal point remains small

8 Effect of optical feedback
Can we observe coherence collapse in a self-pulsating semiconductor laser? Effect on spatial coherence?


10 Time series vs feedback
When feedback increase, Intensity fluctuations Events with no fluctuations Number of events increases With feedback Route to complexity

11 Statistical analysis of the events
Measured the time between consecutive events. Two events per trace to reconstruct the probability distribution Exponential decay suggests a noise induced instability

12 Characterisation of events
The amplitude of the oscillations varies with time Measured Hilbert phase and amplitude Phase increased linearly Amplitude modulation


14 Moderate feedback levels
Signatures of oscillations at the round trip frequency Time series show complicated oscillations


16 Low frequency spectra When the feedback increases, low frequency components appear in the power spectra This corresponds to power drop outs, LFF

17 LFF Regime Power drop outs
Characteristic Frequency decreases with feedback increase (same as cw laser under optical feedback)

18 Conclusions Described the behaviour of a self pulsing laser under the influence of optical feedback See the presence of instabilities similar to those observed in the case of a cw laser under optical feedback Described the route to LFF as a noise induced amplitude modulation Future Have a theoretical understanding

19 Acknowledgements Vista project Wild project Science Foundation Ireland

20 Short cavities With increasing feedback in a short external cavity relaxation frequency increases until it locks to a particular frequency and the external cavity modes appear



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