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Male & Female reproductive organs Phases of reproduction

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Presentation on theme: "Male & Female reproductive organs Phases of reproduction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Male & Female reproductive organs Phases of reproduction
Reproductive system Male & Female reproductive organs Phases of reproduction

2 Male reproductive system
1-Testes 2-Ducts 3-Glands 4-External genitalia Cowper’s gland Testes

3 Male reproductive organs-Testes
Scrotum Seminiferous tubules (leydig cells)

4 Female reproductive organ
Ovaries Ducts External genitalia

5 Female reproductive organs-Ovary
Graafian follicle

6 Phases of reproduction
Gametogenesis Fertilisation Cleavage and embryo implantation Embryogenesis & Accouchement

7 Gametogenesis Gametogenesis is formation of male and female sex cells called gametes (sperm and ova) in testes and ovary respectively. Spermatogenesis in male Oogenesis in female

8 Gametogenesis Haploid & Diploid

9 Gametogenesis

10 Gametogenesis

11 Phases of reproduction
Gametogenesis Fertilisation Cleavage and embryo implantation Embryogenesis & Accouchement

12 Fertilisation- Syngamy

13 Phases of reproduction
Gametogenesis Fertilisation Cleavage and embryo implantation Embryogenesis & Accouchement

14 Cleavage and embryo implantation
The repeated mitotic division of the zygote without the growth resulting in a multicellular ball like embryo. Zygote blastomeres Morula blastocyst

15 Cleavage and embryo implantation

16 Phases of reproduction
Gametogenesis Fertilisation Cleavage and embryo implantation Embryogenesis & Accouchement

17 Embryogenesis & Accouchement
Human embryogenesis is the process of cell division and cellular differentiation of the embryo that occurs during the early stages of development. Accouchement The parturition process in human beings; the process of giving birth to a child.

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