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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION:"— Presentation transcript:

-Different types of network architecture models -P2P, Client Server -Grid, Cloud ,Virtualization

2 Network architecture defined

3 Client/Server and Network architecture?
Client/server is one type of data/pkt communication in a network Involving protocols residing most of the time at the higher level (TCP/IP), The Application layer The application layer is located at the top of the TCP/IP protocol layers. This one contains the network applications which make it possible to communicate using the lower layers.  The software in this layer therefore communicates using one of the two protocols of the layer below (the transport layer), i.e. TCP or UDP. There are different types of applications for this layer, but the majority are network services, or applications supplied to the user to provide the interface with the operating system. They can be classed according to the services that they provide: (1)File and print management services (transfer), (2)Network connection services, (3)Remote connection services, (4)Various Internet utilities

4 Client/Server (1) Question:
Which is more superior or more important, a client or server? Why?

5 Client/Server (2)

6 Client/Server Tier Architecture (1)

7 Client/Server Tier Architecture (2)

8 Client/Server Tier Architecture (3)

9 Client/Server vs P2P

10 P2P

11 What’s Grid then? P2P and grid are popular approaches for distributed computing applications. OBJECTIVE: coordinated use of a large number of resources scattered in a distributed environment. BUT the user communities that have adopted and popularized these two approaches are vastly different, both in terms of their user-level requirements as well as the architectural design of the systems themselves.

12 P2P vs Grid (some of them)
P2P systems are extremely heterogeneous, but Grid computing systems tend to be more homogeneous in the composition of their nodes. − Interconnectivity: P2P networks distinguish themselves by the presence of a volatile connectivity. Every peer can join or quit the system without any notice. -- Data size: The rate and size of data that is transferred between the nodes is an important discriminator for making an appropriate choice. Existing optimization techniques on P2P networks do not adequately address large scale keyword searches since the bandwidth required by such searches exceeds the internet’s available capacity. Additionally, P2P-based systems thrive on low latency

13 Cloud ? E.g. dropbox uses cloud
Somehow can be considered as an extension of GRID Cloud computing is a recently evolved computing terminology or metaphor based on utility and consumption of computing resources. Cloud computing involves deploying groups of remote servers and software networks that allow centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources. Clouds can be classified as public, private or hybrid.

14 More Cloud

15 Virtualization "Virtualization is a foundational element of cloud computing and helps deliver on the value of cloud computing," Virtualization is critical to cloud computing because it simplifies the delivery of services by providing a platform for optimizing complex IT resources in a scalable manner, which is what makes cloud computing so cost effective.

16 Understand Virtualization
The technology behind virtualization is known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or virtual manager, which separates compute environments from the actual physical infrastructure. Virtualization makes servers, workstations, storage and other systems independent of the physical hardware layer, said John Livesay, vice president of InfraNet, a network infrastructure services provider. "This is done by installing a Hypervisor (VMM) on top of the hardware layer, where the systems are then installed."

17 Cloud vs virtualization
virtualization differs from cloud computing because virtualization is software that manipulates hardware, while cloud computing refers to a service that results from that manipulation.

18 Assignment 1 Form a group of 5 people, select a leader. Hand in a report answering the following questions. Due on 9 March (2 weeks). Discuss 1)the pros and cons of private and public cloud. 2)one situation/environment in which hybrid cloud could be beneficial 3)what are the potential problems you might encounter if you decided to fully “depend” on the cloud service for your business. Give a scenario of a business and justify. 4)what is virtualization and what are the characteristics that make it ideal for cloud computing p/s: make sure include all the references


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