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Types of Large Scale Assessment

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1 Types of Large Scale Assessment


3 International large-scale assessments (ILSA)
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a triennial international survey which aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students.

4 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) is a series of international assessments of the mathematics and science knowledge of students around the world. ... In each of the participating educational systems, a minimum of 4,500 to 5,000 students are evaluated. The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) is an international comparative assessment that measures student learning in reading. 

5 Regional The Southeast Asia primary learning metrics (SEA-PLM) is a regional assessment to assess learning outcomes of grade 5 children aimed at informing policies and ensure all children achieve meaningful learning outcomes.

6 Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ)- is administered in school to children in the 6th grade of formal school and is designed to assess student abilities in mathematics and reading English. Programme d’Analyse des Systèmes Educatifs de la CONFEMEN (PASEC) is designed to assess student abilities in mathematics and reading French. Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE)

7 NATIONAL The National Achievement Test (NAT), is a set of examinations taken in the Philippines by students in Years 6, 10, and 12. Language Assessment for Primary Grades (LAPG)

8 The National Career Assessment Examination or NCAE is a test or exam that is taken by all the 3rd year or grade nine students all around the Philippines in both private and public schools. The students take the same test at the same time. ... The result helps the students decide what course they should get.

9 The Patient Review Instrument (PRI) is an assessment tool developed by NYS DOH to assess selected physical, medical and cognitive characteristics of all nursing home residents, as well as to document selected services they may receive. Person-Centered Care.

10 HYBRID The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is an oral student assessmentdesigned to measure the most basic foundation skills for literacy acquisition in the early grades The Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA) is an oral assessment designed to measure a student's foundation skills in numeracy and mathematics in the early grades

11 The East Asia Learning Achievement Study (EALAS) was a multi-country capacity building project, funded by UNICEF, designed to assess the learning achievements of primary school-aged children. Literacy Boost is a literacy program designed and implemented to support the development of reading skills


13 Criteria for Evaluating Large-Scale Achievement Tests

14 Criteria Validity Degree to which a test measures what it was intended to measure Reliability Consistency and dependability of assessment results Equity Fairness, lack of bias toward any particular group of examinees. Costs and feasibility Monetary and other (e.g., opportunity) costs of administering a test. Test security and standardization Degree to which inappropriate exposure to test questions is prevented and consistent administration conditions are maintained. Alignment with curriculum For tests intended to measure outcomes related to a particular instructional program.

15 Timeliness of score reporting
Length of time between test administration and score reporting. Motivation Degree to which examinees are motivated to do their best. Representativeness of examinee samples Whether the students taking the test are similar to the entire population about which inferences are being made.

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