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Presentation on theme: "Surrealism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surrealism

2 Surrealism Cultural movement that began in the early 1920’s Not something you would see everyday/ Not logical Fantasy World Dreamlike

3 Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory

4 Metamorphosis of Narcissus

5 Face of War


7 Rene Magritte





12 Max Ernst

13 Vladimir Kush

14 Rob Gonsalves

15 Oppenheim

16 Hans Bellmer The Doll


18 I tell the kids to push it further than this
I tell the kids to push it further than this. Who knows what he does in his spare time…could happen.



21 Combines human and animal features
Daniel Lee Combines human and animal features Saw this guy in a National Geographic magazine. Combined a human and an ox

22 Daniel Lee. Combined a human and a leopard? Cat?

23 Daniel Lee. Combined baby with pig

24 Opposite of Daniel Lee’s idea…
Opposite of Daniel Lee’s idea….human face on an animal…animals doing human activities







31 Objectives Demonstrate a complete understanding of surrealism
NOT something you would see everyday Fantasy world Doesn’t make sense, not logical Dreamlike Take strong photos Use Photoshop to create a real and believable image

32 Requirements Theme: gravity; future; a dream; inside out; would if…
Take 20 photographs. Technically well done (lighting, camera angles, in focus) Your collage must use at least 5 of your photos. Collage must have focal point Use Photoshop skills to make collage look real and believable

33 Photos 20 GREAT photos total 10 by tomorrow All 20 by Wednesday

34 Pick a theme: Gravity Future A Dream Inside out Would if….
The last time I did this I gave the kids a theme because they struggled with the “do whatever you want” idea

35 Student Examples This girl had a dream that he school flooded and everyone turned into mermaids

36 This girl put her little brother in a dream world with little fairies of himself. Note…got the fairy wings off the internet. Same as collage project…need 5 photos in collage, anything from internet doesn’t count toward their 5.

37 Not done well…but creative idea

38 They did a great job taking photos of people at the right angles and matching them up with the keys.

39 Interesting idea of combining faces…. but crappy job in Photoshop
Interesting idea of combining faces….but crappy job in Photoshop. Goal is to be seamless.


41 Ahh…no. A fire truck on fire…that could happen
Ahh…no. A fire truck on fire…that could happen. Plus…pay attention to words when you flip your picture (the Ghent is backwards on the truck)

42 Stupid. Could happen. Just about every college campus has a shoe tree.

43 The idea of walking to heaven



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