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DUE NOW: (As soon as entering class to fill out: Review day before)

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Presentation on theme: "DUE NOW: (As soon as entering class to fill out: Review day before)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparación Hoy es miércoles , el 24 de agosto de 2016 Today is Wednesday, August 24 , 2016
DUE NOW: (As soon as entering class to fill out: Review day before) Do you know what is an exit ticket? A short review of what you learned that day before leaving class Write 5 words that are similar in Spanish and English hotel Limón = lemon doctor autobus = bus contar = to count .

2 Homework for next class
. Bring a notebook . Bring a pencil Subscribe to Homework website and review lesson: Go Western Sierra, click homework, click Foreign Language, Go down to Intro Sp 1 Mrs. Billings, see slides Practice writing El alfabeto en español Ex: a = a b= be Practice spelling your name. Ex: Robert erre o be err te Practice asking someone for their name ¿Cómo te llamas? (pay attention to questions marks and accents Practice saying your name Ex: Me llamo……

3 Agenda Due Now (attendance) Collection of Classroom in Excellence.
Due Now (attendance) Collection of Classroom in Excellence. Go over Subscribing to see homework (Go SWCA front pg, go Foreign Language, go to Mrs. Billings Spanish Intro subscribe as student) Useful Expressions Listen to ABCs and vowels Practice pairs and practice in groups names Daily Greetings EXIT TICKET

4 Learning Targets mean what students are going to learn for the day.
SWBAT (students will be able to) I can use the alphabet to sound words practice spelling names with 100% accuracy I can greet people in a polite way Know how to Ask someone for the name and answer it 100% accuracy

5 Spanish Pronunciation of alphabet (for Y say Y griega)


7 Cognates What are they? 2 words 2 different languages Look alike
Sound alike Mean the same thing Examples = ejemplos: Fruit = fruta

8 ¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name? Me llamo ….. My name is …… (say your name)

9 Group work Getting together in Groups. 4 per table.
Assign person to be: Writer Time keeper Keep group focused Facilitator

10 Useful Expressions ¿Cómo se dice? How do you say…. ¿Cómo se escribe?
How do you spell….?

11 4 Tips to learn Spanish. Use what you already know. Cognates
You don’t need to know everything Make flash cards Use GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS HAVE FUN!!!

12 EXIT TICKET Listen and write in Spanish the following alphabet letters


14 Spanish Alphabet song El Abecedario (Cosmo el perrito


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