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1 While you are waiting, please test your audio.
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2 COTE Community Call May 12, 2015
Start Recording! Welcome everyone! Let’s be sure you all can hear me … please give me a green check

3 Agenda COTE Updates COTE @CIT2015 COTE Community Call group
Call for N2OL and Blended mentors Faculty Survey reminder Presentation: Online Learning at Community Colleges: Benefits, Challenges, & Solutions – Peter Shea, University at Albany Open Forum

4 COTE @CIT COTE Updates Tuesday, May 26 Wednesday, May 27
1 – 4pm                       Reviewing and Refreshing Your Course With OSCQR Wednesday, May 27 1 – 1:45pm                 A Primer on e-Publishing 1 – 1:45pm                 Competency-Based Professional Development for Teaching 2 – 2:30pm                 The OSCQR Rubric from the Ground Up 3 – 3:30pm                 The Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence 3:45 – 4:15pm           A Complete Guide to the OSCQR Process Thursday, May 28 8:30 – 9:45am           Open SUNY Update 5:30 – 6:45pm           Open SUNY COTE Community Roundtable Friday, May 29 10:15 – 11:30am       The Open SUNY COTE Effective Practice Award Program 12:30 – 1:00pm         Demystifying the Number One Selling Classroom Technology COTE Updates COTE will be presenting some exciting topic this year at CIT. How many of you are planning to attend? Yes check or type in chat We hope to see you at some of these presentations!

5 Search groups for Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence
Access COTE Community through SUNY Learning Commons with your SUNY ID login: Search groups for Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence -OR- Create a profile in the NING and join COTE Community Call group If you have not already joined the COTE Community Call group in the NING platform, I’d like to remind you to please do so as we transition the ID listserv over to this area. Discussions and questions for the group can be posted in the online forum. This area allows attachments and tags, and the threads are searchable.

6 COTE Updates Mentors needed for current Open SUNY COTE offerings:
New to Online (N2OL) Faculty Training – Facilitated (online) Blended Learning Series – Self-paced Complete the mentoring questionnaire: The Open SUNY COTE Competency Development pillar has a unique opportunity for Open SUNY Fellows to engage in supporting online teaching peers through the design and development of their online courses. With the recent launch of two professional development opportunities, mentors are needed to participate in discussion forums hosted in the COTE Community to support faculty completing the new to online teaching course (N2OL) or the blended learning course.  Please share this link to anyone who you feel would make a terrific peer mentor: Another initiative is our Courses for Observation – Dan can you give us an update?

7 Online Learning at Community Colleges: Benefits, Challenges, & Solutions
Peter Shea Associate Provost, Online Learning Associate Prof. School of Education, CCI University at Albany, SUNY

8 Benefits of Higher Education

9 21st century work rewards post-secondary education

10 Even more so for young people…

11 But participation in Higher Ed is not equally distributed

12 US producing fewer college graduates
Previously Now

13 College is expensive for some…
College students and grads now hold over a trillion dollars in student loan debt. For some, MOOCs may one solution that seek to reduce the costs through cheaper forms of alternative credentialing. But if the plan relies on higher education as training for employment there are likely long term consequences for the vision of college and the goals and values of liberal education. And what about the quality of the experience? What does massive do to rigor?

14 Disproportionately the poor
If we hope to promote democratization we do need to address the issue of access to higher education here as well as in the developing world. Right now low income families and individuals are saddled with the majority of the student loan debt – which is concerning….

15 Public online education may be helpful

16 But only if it’s good…

17 But only if it’s good… “There’s a strong body of evidence building up that students are not doing quite as well in online courses, at least as the courses are being designed now in the community college sector (Hart, 2015).”


19 But only if it’s good…

20 Questions Would SUNY community college students have better outcomes?
What about at your own college? What about in your own courses? What is the cause of the issue? What are solutions?

21 Learning Presence

22 Learning presence John Hattie: Visible Learning
Review of 800 meta-analyses of education “the biggest effects on student learning occur when… students exhibit self regulatory attributes...planning, monitoring, self evaluation, self-assessment…” Our work identified “learner/learning presence” in the CoI model through surveys, QCA, and SNA Online self- and co-regulatory abilities, attitudes, and actions within a community of inquiry

23 Latest research interest
Issues confronting at-risk students in online environment – focus on community college students


25 Proposed Framework for Online Student Persistence


27 Questions?
@pshea99 (twitter)

28 COTE Updates Please help us gather as much feedback as possible by encouraging your faculty to complete the survey: Faculty Attitudes toward Online Learning

29 Open Forum

30 Next meeting: June 9th 2015 call schedule available in
COTE Community Call Group We are inviting topics for our community calls from all of you. Please send me anything exciting from your campuses that you’d like to share for our next update.


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