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Spring 2018 Transfer Student Advisement Guide
Advisement Staff Dionne Brown Marvin Rodriguez Peter Dachille Vilmarie Rosario Francisco Ruiz Juliana Dorcelus Lirie Kurtaj Christina Fung Yuliya Sokolovskaya 1
TODAY’S AGENDA Welcome and overview of today’s session
Review your Transfer Credit Report on CUNYfirst Review of the curriculum Review important policies and procedures Students complete their Program Planning Sheet Orientation Leaders assist with registration Academic Advisors answer questions and review spring schedules 2
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Minimum 124 credits Zicklin School of Business Bachelor of Arts (BA) Minimum 120 credits Weissman School of Arts & Sciences Bachelor of Science (BS) Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Components of Your Degree: Pathways Core curriculum Additional requirements based on your degree Major: 24 – 30+ credits General Electives 3
Marxe School of Public & International Affairs Zicklin School
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences Marxe School of Public & International Affairs Zicklin School of Business Actuarial Science Arts and Sciences Ad Hoc Major Biology Business Communication Corporate Communication Graphic Communication Business Writing Communication Studies Journalism Economics English Financial Mathematics (BS) History Journalism/Creative Writing Mathematics Music (including Management of Musical Enterprises) Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sociology Spanish Statistics: BA Major Public Affairs Accounting* Computer Information Systems General CIS Information Risk Management and Cybersecurity Data Analytics Finance Industrial/Organizational Psychology International Business Management Entrepreneurship Human Resource Management Operations Management Marketing General Marketing International Marketing Business to Business Marketing Digital Marketing Advertising and Marketing Communications Real Estate Statistics and Quantitative Modeling *Second degree students cannot major in Accounting
Important Terms to Know
Pathways – The CUNY-wide curriculum which took effect in the Fall of All students who entered a CUNY school in the Fall of 2013 or later automatically follow the Pathways curriculum. The Pathways curriculum has three main components: The Required Core, The Flexible Core and The College Option. DegreeWorks Audit – Accessed through CUNY Portal; an online student audit that allows students to view their progress towards a degree. Major – A student’s chosen field of study, typically credits. Major Specialization Form - All Weissman and School of Public Affairs students are required to have all of the courses counting towards their major approved by the Department’s faculty advisor. The faculty advisor completes, signs, and submits the Specialization Form to the Registrar’s Office for graduation audits. Minor – A grouping of three courses, complementing a student’s chosen Major. Minor Capstone - A minor at Baruch consists of three courses, two of which must be at the level or higher, followed by a 4000 level course, called the Capstone course. Electives – Courses which are not counted towards general education requirements, majors or minors are considered ‘electives’. At Baruch we differentiate elective credits between liberal arts electives and non-liberal arts electives. Transferred courses numbered 7000 or 7050 are counted as elective courses. Enrollment Appointment - A registration appointment day and time; the first moment (but not the last) that a student is permitted to enroll (register) in classes for a given term on CUNYfirst. This is not a live/in-person appointment. ZK/ZUPS – An old acronym for “Zicklin Course Permission”, now permission has been built into CUNYfirst for eligible students. 5
Pathways Designations & Waivers
Once a student has met a Common Core requirement at one CUNY college, that requirement will be met at any other CUNY college. Your previous CUNY school designates the course towards a specific requirement by assigning a “Requirement Designation” on your Transfer Credit Report. Non-CUNY transfer students have their “Requirement Designation” determined at Baruch by the Transfer Center. Students who transfer to Baruch with an Associate’s of Arts (AA) or Associate’s of Science (AS) degree will satisfy both the Required Core and Flexible Core of the Pathways curriculum. Students who transfer to Baruch with an Associates of Applied Arts (AAS) degree may still need to satisfy areas of the Required and Flexible Core. AAS students must review their “Requirement Designations” for each requirement. Students who have already earned a Bachelor’s Degree (2nd degree students) are waived from the Required Core, Flexible Core and College Option requirements. 6
Your Transfer Credit Report
Math Requirements 8 Transfer credit overrides placement.
Every student must satisfy the Required Core: Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning requirement. See below for the Math requirement for your intended major: Zicklin School of Business (All Business Majors) Required Math: Calculus (MTH 2010, 2205, 2206, 2207, 2610, 2630, 3010) Marxe School of Public and International Affairs Required Math: MTH 2003 or a more advanced math class Weissman Schools of Arts and Sciences (Liberal Arts Majors) Required Math: MTH 2140 or 2160 (satisfies requirement for Math at the 2000 level)* *Some liberal arts majors require more advanced math (including: Math, Economics, and Psychology) Transfer credit overrides placement. Baruch’s Mth Sequence: CSTM 0100 >> CSTM 0120 >> MTH >> MTH 2003 >> MTH 2205 8
Completing Your Program Planning Sheet
Review your Baruch Transfer Credit Report on CUNYfirst and check the appropriate circle: 1. Check for WAIVED: If you are waived from the requirement 2. Check for COMPLETED: If you have transferred credit satisfying the requirement 3. Check for POSTPONED: If the course is still in progress/think you have credit for the requirement 4. Check for NEED: If you have not completed the requirement and need the course W C P N 9
Pathways Required Core
REQUIRED CORE (4 COURSES) ENGLISH WRITING 1: ENG 2100 ENGLISH WRITING 2: ENG 2150 MATH & QUANTITATIVE REASONING: MTH 2140, MTH 2003, MTH 2205, MTH 2207, MTH 2610 *(MTH 2000, 2001, 2006, 2100, 2150, 2160, 2206, 2300, 2301, 2630 & 3010 also fulfills the Math & Quantitative Reasoning requirement)* Transfer credit overrides placement check your Math placement. LIFE & PHYSICAL SCIENCES: BIO 1012, BIO 1016, CHM 1004, ENV 1004, PHY 2001 CO-REQUISITE WITH SCIENTIFIC WORLD. (Science majors choose STEM Variant courses: BIO 2010, CHM 2003, PHY 2003, PHY Students who use BIO 2010 to fulfill L & PS must take CHM or PHY to satisfy Scientific World.) W C P N W C P N W C P N W C P N Check your Math Placement and the Math required for your intended major. 10
Pathways Flexible Core
FLEXIBLE CORE (6 COURSES) WORLD CULTURES & GLOBAL ISSUES: ANT 1001, HIS 1001, HIS 1003, LTS 1003, POL 2001, POL 2260 U.S. EXPERIENCE IN ITS DIVERSITY: HIS 1000, HIS 1005, PAF 1250, POL 1101, POL 2332, BLS 1003 CREATIVE EXPRESSION: ART 1000, ART 1011, ART 1012, MSC 1003, MSC 1005, THE 1041 THE INDIVIDUAL & SOCIETY: PHI 1500, PHI 1600, PHI 1700, SOC 1005 SCIENTIFIC WORLD: BIO 1011L, BIO 1015L, CHM 1003L, ENV 1003L, PHY 2002L, ** PSY 1001 (BIO, CHM, ENV & PHY are co-requisite with Life & Physical Science) ** PSY 1001 only for students who have credit for Life & Physical Science) FLEX CORE 6TH COURSE: A suitable course from one of the Flex Core areas **SEE BELOW** W C P N W C P N W C P N W C P N W C P N W C P N The Flexible Core is comprised of six courses from five different areas. Courses taken at Baruch must be taken from a different department, discipline, or interdisciplinary field. ANT & SOC Courses offered by the Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology ART, MSC & THE Courses offered by the Dept. of Fine & Performing Arts BLS & LTS(HSP) Courses offered by the Dept. of Black & Latino Studies BIO, ENV, CHM, & PHY Courses offered by the Dept. of Natural Science PAF (PUB) & POL Courses considered to be a single field in Pathways 11
THE COLLEGE OPTION 12 Course #1 ENG/CMP 2800/2850 Course #2
The Baruch College Option was designed to encourage students to include a minor in a Liberal Arts subject in their academic plan. Courses #2, 3, and 4 , taken in the same area, complete the minor requirement. The minor must be selected from the list of approved minors on the Baruch website and course #2, the 4000 level Capstone course, must be completed at Baruch. Transfer students may be waived from some courses. Review your Program Planning Sheet carefully. Course #1 ENG/CMP 2800/2850 Course #2 4000 level Minor Capstone Course #3 3000 level Minor Course Course #4 The Liberal Arts minor must be selected from the list of approved minors found on the Baruch website: Students who are waived from courses 3 and 4 may choose from this list of Capstone courses with fewer pre-requisites: COM 4905/4906, FLM 4900, JWS 4900, AMS 4900, LACS 4901/4902, 4000 level ENG/JRN or foreign language (based on placement). 12
Major Eligibility: Zicklin School of Business
Completion of COM 1010 Speech Communication and ENG 2150 Writing II Completion of 8 pre-business courses with a minimum 2.25 GPA Completion of at least 45 credits with an overall Baruch GPA of 2.25 or higher PRE-BUSINESS COURSES (and pre-requisites) 1. ACC 2101 Principles of Accounting (Placement into pre-calculus or a higher math course and Sophomore status) 6. LAW 1101 Fundamentals of Business Law (Placement into MTH 1030 or a higher math course and completion of ENG 2100) 2. CIS 2200 Introduction to Information Systems & Technologies (Placement into MTH 1030 or a higher math course and completion of BUS 1000/1011) 7. Calculus – MTH 2205/2207/2610 (or equivalent) (Completion of pre-calculus or based on Math Placement) 3. ECO 1001 Microeconomics (Completion of pre-calculus or a higher math course) 8. STA 2000 Business Statistics I (Sophomore status, completion of pre-calculus or a higher math course and pre- or co-requisite with CIS 2200) 4. ECO 1002 Macroeconomics * ENG 2150 Writing II (not included in pre-business GPA) (Completion of ENG 2100) 5. ENG 2100 Writing I (Based on placement) * COM 1010 Speech Communication (not included in pre-business GPA) (no pre-requisite) Note: AP credits will not be used in calculating the GPA. Transferred credit grades will be used in calculating the pre-business GPA with the exception of international grades which are not transferred. New transfer students who have completed all pre-business courses will be eligible for admission to Zicklin despite the fact that they do not have a Baruch GPA.
The Zicklin Business Base
Upon acceptance into the Zicklin School of Business, students must complete a major, as well as the Zicklin Required Core, consisting of introductory courses in a variety of business fields: 1. BUS 1000/1011 Business Fundamentals: The Contemporary Business Landscape A required pre-requisite for CIS 2200. 2. FIN 3000 Principles of Finance 5. ACC 2203 Principles of Managerial Accounting for Non-ACC Majors or ACC 3202 Accounting Information Systems (for ACC majors) 3. MGT 3120 Fundamentals of Management 6. MKT 3000 Marketing Foundations 4. MGT 3121 Service Operations Management 7. BPL 5100 Business Policy (graduating seniors only) Check the Undergraduate Bulletin or the Zicklin website to review the requirements for your business major. REGISTERING FOR BUSINESS COURSES AT ORIENTATION In order to be eligible to register for business courses, students must first be officially accepted into the Zicklin School of Business, or have an officially declared Business Communications or Economics major in the Weissman School. Students who are completing their pre-business requirements in the Spring, Summer, or Fall semesters will be able to request special permission to register for upper-level business courses as long as they have met the eligibility criteria. Click here for more information:
Major Eligibility: Weissman School of Arts & Sciences
Minimum 2.0 Baruch GPA Completion of the Pre-Weissman Core: TWO semesters of the same Foreign Language Completion of COM 1010 Students must visit their academic department and complete a Major Specialization Form to officially declare their liberal arts major. You may enroll in courses towards your major BEFORE declaring your major as long as you have met the course appropriate pre-requisite Double majors allowed: two liberal arts majors only Ad Hoc (‘create your own’) major. For more information visit the Starr Career Development Center (SCDC) Click here for more information about the Weissman Majors: 15
Major Eligibility: Marxe School of Public and International Affairs
45 completed credits Minimum 2.25 Baruch GPA Completion of PAF/PUB 1250 or POL 1101 Math requirement: MTH 2003, 2205, 2207, 2610, or 3010 ECO 1001 and STA 2100 are pre-requisites for major courses SPIA students meet with Jillian Ryan to review major requirements Click here for more information about the SPIA degree requirements: in-public-affairs/documents/BSPAMajorDeclarationForm.pdf For more information: 16
Important Policies and Procedures
Previous grades do not transfer to Baruch. However, they are reviewed to determine Zicklin eligibility. Courses completed at your previous school (credits received) may not be repeated at Baruch. Check/comply with course prerequisites/co-requisites, otherwise you risk being dropped from course(s). The WU grade is equivalent to an “F”. Click here to view the Academic Bulletin: Letter Grades and Grade Point Equivalents. Baruch has a 3X Repeat Policy restricting students to a maximum of 3 attempts (including W, WN, WU, WF, FIN, and F grades) per course. F Replacement Policy – You can replace up to 16 credits of F’s or F equivalents if you take the same exact course and earn a C (2.0) grade or better. You must earn a 2.0 Baruch GPA in order to be in “Good Academic Standing”. Falling below a 2.0 GPA will put your financial aid at risk. Click here to view the Academic Bulletin: Scholastic Performance Requirements. Students who receive New York State financial aid (TAP) must be aware that TAP will not pay for courses which are not required for your degree. Click here for more information: Requirements are subject to change. Read your Baruch webmail, College Bulletin, Academic Calendar, and other College literature. 17
Important Notes from the Office of the Registrar
Reminders about Dropping Courses & Waitlists ~Beware of enrollment fees~ Dropping courses: If you no longer plan on attending Baruch, you are responsible for dropping all of your courses (see CUNYfirst for directions). Failure to officially drop your classes will result in assessed enrollment fees (i.e., tuition) for which you are responsible for, as well as any failing grades on your transcript. Waitlists: When waitlists are processed and a seat is available, the next eligible student on the waitlist who has completed all the prerequisites is automatically enrolled without notification. Students need to remove their names from waitlists if they do not want to take the class. Students can remove themselves from waitlists using the standard "DROP" enrollment feature. Students need to continually check their CUNYfirst schedule to see if auto-enrollment in a waitlisted course has occurred. Since waitlists are processed up until the end of the registration period, students may get a seat last-minute and bear financial consequences.
Meeting with an Academic Advisor after Orientation
Advisors meet with students either by APPOINTMENT or on WALK-IN: APPOINTMENTS: Only for Academic Worksheets Academic worksheets review all degree plan requirements for your specific career plan. Your Transfer Credit Evaluation must be complete in order to schedule a worksheet appointment. WALK-IN: All other Advisement questions Visit the Office of Undergraduate Advisement & Orientation without an appointment, bring your Orientation day Program Planning Sheet or a printed copy of your DegreeWorks Audit (found on your CUNY Portal). The Office of Undergraduate Advisement & Orientation is located in room of the Vertical Campus. Plan your visit! Click here to view our office hours (updated weekly): Contact Us
Review of Important Online & Campus Resources
Online Resources Academic Calendar: Undergraduate Bulletin (check for Major and Minor requirements): DegreeWorks: Registrar’s Office FAQ & Forms: Pathways Student Rights, Responsibilities and Appeals: Excelsior Scholarship FAQs: Campus Resources STARR Career Development Center: Student Academic Consulting Center (SACC): Writing Center: Office of the Dean of Students: Student Life: Counseling Center: 20
It’s Time to Register! 21 Search, Select & Enroll
View and Pay for Classes Log on to CUNYFirst Find your registration appointment time Search for classes Self Service > Student Center> Search for Classes Place desired classes in your shopping cart Check out with desired courses – click “Finish Enrolling” Check “My Class Schedule” to view your courses Student Center > Finances > Account Inquiry > Charges Due Summary of Charges by Due Date Details by Due Date Details by Charge Invoices Due Students are able to make electronic payments towards their account by eCheck, debit, or credit card. Note: using a credit or debit card will add a non-refundable convenience fee of 2.65% to your account, in addition to tuition and fees. Double-check course pre-requisites listed in the class description by clicking the course section. 21
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