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“The role of Local Governments in the global climate change agenda and the challenge of finance" Wolfgang Teubner ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "“The role of Local Governments in the global climate change agenda and the challenge of finance" Wolfgang Teubner ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The role of Local Governments in the global climate change agenda and the challenge of finance"
Wolfgang Teubner ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability European Secretariat

2 1. Raising Ambition 2. Accelerate Action
Advancing Paris Agreement through Integrated Transformation Engaging all levels of governments to pursue 1.5oC goal and climate neutrality in an Urban World 1. Raising Ambition 1. Leveraging Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 2. Strengthening Implementation of NDCs 3. Implementing Transformative Actions 4. Engaging in Global Exchange and Knowledge Development within UNFCCC - Climate Champions: Technical Examination Process, Marrakech Partnership, NAZCA Platform - Committees on Capacity Building, Adaptation, Technology - The new work of the IPCC with cities 2. Accelerate Action

3 Transformative Trends
Heating and Cooling - from separated power, heating and cooling to integrated solutions - from individual small to building-level - and territorial integration by grids - changing building standards that reduce the demand for heating and cooling

4 Transformative Trends
Electricity - from large-scale fossil and nuclear to small and mid-size decentralised renewable resources - smart technology and new grids – the new big will be the connected small - 100% decarbonisation and renewable production by 2050

5 Transformative Trends
Energy Efficiency costs of efficiency measures/energy price return on investment/ payback periods depth of efficiency measures regulatory framework subsidies energy poverty housing costs/rents competitiveness vs.

6 Transformative Trends
Mobility - from fossil fuels to renewable fuels - from individual cars to public transport and shared use in multi-modal systems - dense cities and quality public space encouraging walking and biking for short and medium distances

7 Financing challenges for the local transformation
Accessibility of financing (information and procedures) Adapted scales of financing Concepts and plans vs. infrastructure and investment Debt or equity based funding Encouragement and support for civic investments and engagement Market frameworks (legal, regulatory, taxation, subsidies)

8 Thank you for your attention!
Thank you for your attention!

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