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Receiving donations through ANHCA Public Fund for DGR …

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1 Receiving donations through ANHCA Public Fund for DGR …
Receiving donations through ANHCA Public Fund for DGR …. A basic explanation

2 Why register with the Public Fund?
Deductible Gift Recipient Status is a special tax status granted to organisations which enables them to issue receipts to donors for the purpose of a tax deduction. Many Neighbourhood Houses and Centres do not qualify for DGR Status as the rules around DGR rely heavily on a welfare based interpretation of charity. If your Neighbourhood House or Centre does not have DGR status, you can apply to register with the ANHCA Public Fund for DGR to receive donations where the donor requires a tax deductible receipt. The Public Fund acts as a conduit to enable the donation to be made and a receipt to be issued.

3 Are there application criteria?
To be eligible, your Neighbourhood House/Centre must meet the following criteria: Be an organisation (as opposed to an individual) Be a financial member of the relevant State Peak Body Be a legal entity (ie an incorporated body) If the organisation is a network or peak body rather than a Neighbourhood House or Centre, it must apply funds to furthering or supporting the work of Neighbourhood Houses/Centres Not have DGR status.

4 And the purpose of any donations must be in keeping with ANHCA’s purposes
Support the activity and work of the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia. Enhance the quality, skills and knowledge of the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia Contribute to national policy and issues of common interest to the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia Promote and strengthen the national identity of the Neighbourhood House and Centre sector in Australia

5 So how do we apply? The documents and information you need can be found at You will need to * Complete an easy application form * Personalise the MOU template, which allows you to nominate the duration of the MOU ( the average is 5 years) * Provide copies of your organisations constitution, most recent annual financial statement and a current list of committee members

6 What happens next? All documents are ed or sent to the Public Fund Your application will be checked for eligibility The application is submitted to the Public Fund Committee for consideration When approval is granted you will be formally notified by the administrator, this includes receiving a signed copy of the MOU, the donor form and other information.

7 So how do we actually receive donations?
Once you have been approved by the Public Fund you will be able to develop press releases and promotional material to let your community know you are able to receive donations. It is important to remember donations must be a gift with no strings attached, and should not be confused with a sponsorship, where there is an expectation of something in return. When someone wishes to make a donation, it must be made to ANHCA using the donation form as ANHCA holds the DGR status. The donation is then approved by the Public Fund Committee for disbursement and is paid to your organisations bank account less a 5% administration fee.

8 Some common misunderstandings
This process will give our organisation DGR status. Unfortunately that is not the case, this process enables you to receive tax deductible donations, however the DGR status remains with ANHCA Donations can be paid to our organisation and then we can just let ANHCA know. For a tax deductible receipt to be issued, donations must be paid into ANHCA’s bank account. Currently we only process donations of $100 and over. If you have a donor who is happy to make a donation and not receive a tax deductible receipt, this does not need to come through the Public Fund. We can go ahead and apply for grants that require DGR status Your organisation can use the Public Fund to apply for grants, however there is a separate application and approval process. Further information can be found at now/apply-for-grants

9 I would still like more information
You can or phone Maureen McConnell Admnistrator At or phone (Tuesdays pm and Fridays (9 – 12.30pm) If you would like more of the detail head to the website

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