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Ch 12: FDR’s New Deal 12.1: The New Deal

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1 Ch 12: FDR’s New Deal 12.1: The New Deal
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Democrat) NY Governor Polio Eleanor Roosevelt 1932 Election FDR’s Landslide victory Promises hope for the Forgotten Man Hundred Days The Banking Crisis Fireside Chats The New Deal Alphabet Soup

2 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Wealthy New York family Roosevelt =Dutch for Rosefield 5th cousin of Teddy Roosevelt

3 Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Wealthy New York family Roosevelt =Dutch for Rosefield 5th cousin of Teddy Roosevelt Polio – needed wheelchair

4 FDR Marries Eleanor Roosevelt (Teddy’s niece)

5 FDR She would travel for FDR when he could not
Marries Eleanor Roosevelt (Teddy’s niece) She would travel for FDR when he could not

6 FDR Was the 1st modern First Lady
Marries Eleanor Roosevelt (Teddy’s niece) She would travel for FDR when he could not Was the 1st modern First Lady

7 FDR Previous Jobs New York Governor New York Senate
Started U.S.’s 1st relief (welfare) program in NY

8 1932 election FDR gives vague promises of hope
Promises to help the “Forgotten Man” Wins a landslide election Hoover

9 FDR’s Fireside Chats FDR gives a weekly speech over the radio once a week

10 FDR’s Fireside Chats People felt like FDR was in their house
FDR gives a weekly speech over the radio once a week People felt like FDR was in their house Gave them hope

11 FDR’s Hundred Days FDR’s 1st hundred days of office 1. Banking Crisis
2. New Deal

12 FDR’s Hundred Days Banking Crisis
Across the nation banks were on the verge of a major collapse

13 FDR’s Hundred Days People lose confidence in banks
Banking Crisis Across the nation banks were on the verge of a major collapse People lose confidence in banks Everyone wants to take out their money

14 Banking Crisis 2 days after taking office FDR closes all banks
Banking holiday

15 Banking Crisis Created law that looked at each bank
2 days after taking office FDR closes all banks Banking holiday Created law that looked at each bank The good ones could reopen

16 Banking Crisis People regained confidence in banks deposited money
Created law that looked at each bank The good ones could reopen People regained confidence in banks deposited money

17 FDR’s New Deal FDR promised a new deal to America

18 FDR’s New Deal FDR promised a new deal to America
Relief – to the suffering

19 FDR promised a new deal to America
Relief – to the suffering Recovery – to the economy

20 FDR’s New Deal FDR promised a new deal to America
Relief – to the suffering Recovery – to the economy Reforms – to prevent future economic crises

21 FDR’s New Deal The Hundred Day’s Alphabet Soup
Abbreviations for FDR’s programs CCC - Civilian Conservation Corp AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act PWA - Public Works Administration SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority CWA - Civil Works Administration

22 Ch12.1 Quiz: FDR’s New Deal 1. What is FDR’s full name?
2. Who was FDR’s famous 5th cousin? 3. Who did FDR marry? 4. Which disease did FDR have? 5. How did the disease affect FDR? 6. How did FDR’s wife help him in his presidency? 7. How did FDR help New Yorkers while he was governor? 8. Who did FDR promise to help while FDR was running for president? 9. How well to FDR perform in the 1932 election? 10. What were FDR’s Fireside Chats? 11. How did FDR’s Fireside Chats affect the American people? 12. What were FDR’s first 3 months in office called? 13. How did FDR handle the Banking Crisis? 14. How did FDR’s handling of the Banking Crisis help the situation? 15. What was the name of FDR’s plan to help Americans during the Great Depression? 16. What was FDR’s 3 strategies to help Americans? 17. What was FDR’s Alphabet Soup? 18. To which political party did FDR belong? 19. 20.

23 Ch12.1 Quiz: FDR’s New Deal 1. What is FDR’s full name? Franklin Delano Roosevelt 2. Who was FDR’s famous 5th cousin? Teddy Roosevelt 3. Who did FDR marry? Eleanor Roosevelt 4. Which disease did FDR have? Polio 5. How did the disease affect FDR? He was crippled / in a wheelchair 6. How did FDR’s wife help him in his presidency? She traveled for him 7. How did FDR help New Yorkers while he was governor? 1st Relief Program (welfare) 8. Who did FDR promise to help while FDR was running for president? The Forgotten Man 9. How well did FDR perform in the 1932 election? He won by a landslide 10. What were FDR’s Fireside Chats? FDR’s weekly speech on the radio to America 11. How did FDR’s Fireside Chats affect the people? Gave them hope / they felt like FDR was family 12. What were FDR’s first 3 months in office called? Hundred Days 13. How did FDR handle the Banking Crisis? Declared a Banking Holiday 14. How did FDR’s handling help the situation? Gave people confidence in banks again 15. What was the name of FDR’s plan to help Americans during the Great Depression? The New Deal 16. What was FDR’s 3 strategies to help Americans? Relief, Recovery, Reform 17. What was FDR’s Alphabet Soup? Abbreviations for FDR’s New Deal programs 18. To which political party did FDR belong? Democrat 19. 20.

24 Ch 12: FDR’s New Deal 12.2: The Second New Deal
WPA = Works Progress Administration Social Security 1936 Election Rural Electricity African Americans: Were Reps, now vote Dem FDR’s Court-packing Affair Keyes Economic Theory Section 3. Life During the Great Depression Black Cabinet Dorothy Lange 30’s Movies Section 4. Impact of the New Deal Mixed: Helped People, did not end the Depression

25 Second Hundred Days 1934 Congressional Election 1935 - Second New Deal
Democrats win both houses 1st time ever one party (Dems) controlled all 3 houses (Senate, House of Reps, & White House) Second New Deal Congress & FDR pass many New Laws

26 Second Hundred Days Wagoner Act: Minimum Wage 1935 - Second New Deal
Congress & FDR pass many New Laws Wagoner Act: Minimum Wage

27 WPA = Works Progress Administration
Made people work for welfare

28 WPA = Works Progress Administration
Made people work for welfare Biggest Government Relief Program 8.5 Million (25% of US unemployed)

29 WPA Built schools, parks, zoos Worked at museums, schools, factories

30 WPA Paid artists Poets, painters, musicians, historians
Built schools, parks, zoos Worked at museums, schools, factories Paid artists Poets, painters, musicians, historians Jackson Pollack

31 Tahlequah Post Office Mural painted by a WPA artist

32 Second New Deal Social Security Act – 1935 Money for age 65+

33 1936 election Rural Electrification Act Created Electric Co-ops
Ft Gibson Dam Where Tahlequah gets its electricity

34 Brought electricity to the country
REA Electrical Power Station

35 1936 election African-Americans have been voting Republican since Abe Lincoln Emancipated (freed) the slaves

36 1936 Election African- Americans now vote Democrat because of FDR’s New Deal relief programs

37 FDR wins 1936 election (landslide again)

38 FDR’s Court-Packing Affair
Supreme Court had stopped some New Deal programs Supreme Court had 9 Justices

39 FDR’s Court-Packing Affair
Supreme Court had stopped some New Deal programs Supreme Court had 9 Justices

40 FDR’s Court-Packing Affair
FDR wanted to at 6 more Pro-New Deal Justices (The majority of the Supreme Court would vote for FDR stuff)

41 FDR’s Court-Packing Affair
FDR fails to pack court His 1st failure

42 Keynes Economic Theory
The gov’t must spend money in order to get the country out of a Depression Even if the gov’t goes into debt John Keynes FDR = New Deal Obama = TARP

43 12.3: Life During the Great Depression
Black Cabinet African American Advisors to FDR 1st time blacks are part of the White House

44 Black Cabinet Eleanor Roosevelt African American Civil Rights Advocate

45 FDR’s Civil Rights Failures
Southern Democrats did not want to help African Americans NAACP wanted strict Federal Anti-lynching Laws FDR said, “ I just can’t take that risk” FDR needed the Southern Democrats to help push the New Deal

46 1930’s Life Dorothy Lange Depression Era Photographer Migrant Mother

47 Dorothy Lange

48 Dorothy Lange

49 1930’s Movies Movies were big during the Depression
People could escape their lives for a few hours Criticized dehumanizing effects of machinery 1933 1939

50 1930’s Movies 1st Animated Full Length Movie 1937
In Color with Special Effects

51 12.4: Analyzing the New Deal
1928 –Republican Herbert Hoover President 1929 – Stock Market Crash 1932- Dem. FDR elected 1933- FDR’s Hundred Days- New Deal Begins 1934- Democrats control Congress 1935- Second New Deal 1936- FDR Re-elected / Economy back to 1929 levels 1937-Depression dips again / Court-Packing 1938- End of New Deal 1939- US prepares for WWII = Depression Ends

52 Did the New Deal Work? Relief? Yes
FDR’s programs temporarily employed millions

53 Did the New Deal Work? Recovery? Mixed. Economy improved until 1937
Relief? Yes. FDR’s programs temporarily employed millions Recovery? Mixed. Economy improved until 1937

54 Did the New Deal Work? Reform? Yes. FDIC SEC Social Security
Relief? Yes. FDR’s programs temporarily employed millions Recovery? Mixed. Economy improved until 1937 Reform? Yes. FDIC SEC Social Security Minimum Wage, 40 hr work week

55 Ch Quiz: 2nd New Deal 1. What was the name of FDR’s programs that he pushed through the 2nd Hundred Days? 2. What was the Wagoner Act? 3. What is the WPA? 4. What did the WPA do? 5. What did the WPA build? 6. How did the WPA support American culture and arts? 7. What is Social Security? 8. How did the Rural Electricity Act affect Tahlequah? 9. Why had African-Americans voted Republican before the Great Depression? 10. Why did African Americans vote Democrat after the Great Depression? 11. Who won the 1936 election? 12. What was the Court Packing Affair? 13. Describe the outcome of the Court Packing Affair? 14. What is Keynes Economic Theory? 15. What was the Black Cabinet? 16. How were movies important to people during the Great Depression? 17. Describe how the New Deal affected the Relief of people during the Great Depression. 18. Did the New Deal accomplish its goal of Economic Recovery during the great Depression? 19. Describe how the New Deal accomplished any Reforms during the Great Depression. 20. What was the New Deal?

56 Ch Quiz: 2nd New Deal 1. What was the name of FDR’s programs that he pushed through the 2nd Hundred Days? 2nd New Deal 2. What was the Wagoner Act? Minimum Wage 3. What is the WPA? Works Projects Administration 4. What did the WPA do? Made People work for Welfare 5. What did the WPA build? Zoos, Parks, Schools, Bridges 6. How did the WPA support American culture and arts? Hired Poets, Artists, Historians 7. What is Social Security? People 65 & up receive money (if they paid into it) 8. How did the REA affect Tahlequah? Built hydroelectric dams that brought electricity to Tahlequah 9. Why had Blacks voted Republican before 1932? Republican Lincoln had freed the slaves 10. Why did African Americans vote Democrat after the Great Depression? Democratic FDR gave Relief 11. Who won the 1936 election? FDR 12. What was the Court Packing Affair? FDR tried to appoint extra Supreme Court Judges 13. Describe the outcome of the Court Packing Affair? FDR failed 14. What is Keynes Economic Theory? Government should spend money to help the economy 15. What was the Black Cabinet? FDR Black Advisors in the white House 16. How were movies important during the 1930’s? Allowed them to escape the Great Depression 17. Describe how the New Deal affected the Relief of people? Helped by employing millions 18. Did the New Deal accomplish its goal of Economic Recovery? Mixed –The Economy increased till 1937 19. Describe how the New Deal accomplished any Reforms. Yes–FDIC, SEC, Social Security, Labor 20. What was the New Deal? FDR’s plan to help people during the Depression

57 Next Ch 13 WWII

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