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Searching for Drug Information In PubMed PubMed for Trainers Spring 2014 U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NLM Training Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Searching for Drug Information In PubMed PubMed for Trainers Spring 2014 U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NLM Training Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Searching for Drug Information In PubMed PubMed for Trainers Spring 2014 U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NLM Training Center

2 Revised 2013/01 2 PubMed for Trainers Goal: To gain familiarity with the NLM MeSH vocabulary related to chemicals and drugs and to get comfortable with searching for drug information in PubMed.

3 Objectives: Revised 2013/01 3 PubMed for Trainers By the end of this session you will be able to: Explain how chemicals, drugs and other substances are described in MeSH. Search for drugs or chemicals in PubMed. Search using pharmacological action terms.

4 Help, I’m not a Chemist! Revised 2013/01 4 PubMed for Trainers

5 Drugs and Chemicals in MeSH Revised 2013/01 5 PubMed for Trainers

6 Many Synonyms, One Preferred Name, Same Concept 6 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers

7 Common v. Chemical Names Revised 2013/01 7 PubMed for Trainers Mimosine 3-Hydroxy-4-oxo-1(4H) pyridinealanine C 8 H 10 N 2 O 4 Aspirin Acetylsalicylic Acid Always exceptions … 1,2-dinitrobenzene Look at the Drug Handout

8 Exercise: Preferred Term Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 8 Develop a good PubMed search for information on Zantac.

9 The Chemicals and Drugs Category in MeSH Inorganic Chemicals Organic Chemicals Heterocyclic Compounds Polycyclic Compounds Macromolecular Substances Hormones, Hormone Substitutes, and Hormone Antagonists Enzymes and Coenzymes Carbohydrates Lipids Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins Nucleic Acids, Nucleotides, and Nucleosides Complex Mixtures Biological Factors Biomedical and Dental Materials Pharmaceutical Preparations Chemical Actions and Uses 9 Revised 2013/01

10 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH ® Vocabulary) MeSH Vocabulary TypeExamples HeadingsBody Weight, Kidney, Dental Cavity Preparation, Self Medication, Brain Edema, Oseltamivir Subheadingsadverse effects, genetics, contraindications, ultrastructure Publication TypesLetter, Review, Practice Guideline, Twin Study Supplementary Concept Recordscordycepin, albuterol-ipratopium, carbon monoxyde dehydrogenase, nocturnin Revised 2013/01 10 PubMed for Trainers

11 Supplementary Concepts Revised 2013/01 11 PubMed for Trainers

12 Supplementary Concepts (cont.) Revised 2013/01 12 PubMed for Trainers

13 Supplementary Concepts (cont.) 13 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers

14 Mapped to MeSH 14 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers

15 MeSH Heading v. SCRs: Why Both? Revised 2013/01 15 PubMed for Trainers MeSH HeadingsSupplementary Concepts Located in hierarchy Subheadings Updated annually Pharmacologic Actions Entry Terms Not located in hierarchy no explosion No subheadings Updated weekly Pharmacologic Actions Entry Terms Heading Mapped To Can become MeSH Heading

16 SCRs Are… Revised 2012/10 PubMed for Trainers 16 Updated Weekly Update SCR’s

17 SCRs Do Not… Revised 2012/10 PubMed for Trainers 17 Take Subheadings

18 SCRs Are Not… Revised 2012/10 PubMed for Trainers 18 In the MeSH Hierarchy. No explosion!

19 Exercise: Headings, Subheadings and Supplementary Concepts Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 19 What MeSH Heading/Subheading combination would be applied to a citation for an article about the synthesis of sordarin? What search would retrieve only highly relevant citations on this topic?

20 Searching Tip: Use Tags Sparingly Revised 2013/01 20 PubMed for Trainers Use [mh] for drugs that you know are MeSH Headings: oseltamivir [mh] dibenzazepines [mh] You can use [nm] for drugs that are Supplementary Concepts OR MeSH Headings: metapramine [nm] dibenzazepines [nm] water [nm] BUT headings will not explode if searched with [nm].

21 Best way to search for a drug: No tags Revised 2013/01 21 PubMed for Trainers SearchResults (# records) Xanthophylls [nm]2000 Xanthophylls [mh]2923 Xanthophylls3166

22 Pharmacological Action Terms Revised 2013/01 22 PubMed for Trainers The way a chemical or drug behaves in the body

23 Pharmacological action terms Revised 2013/01 23 PubMed for Trainers

24 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 24

25 Pharmacological Action Terms Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 25

26 The MeSH Heading Record Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 26

27 Drug AND MeSH Heading 27 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers

28 Pharmacological Action Record 28 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers

29 MeSH Record vs. PA Record Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 29 MeSH Record: A concept / topic PA record: A tool (list of drugs with that PA)

30 Disease AND Pharmacological Action [pa] 30 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers

31 Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 31

32 Review – 2 Ways to Use PAs Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 32 1. Drug AND Pharmacological Action – tagged [mh] Example: lithium carbonate AND antidepressive agents [mh] retrieves articles about lithium carbonate as an antidepressive agent. 2. Disease AND Pharmacological Action – tagged [pa] Example: panic disorder AND antidepressive agents [pa] retrieves articles about any antidepressive chemical or drug and panic disorder.

33 Teachback Revised 2012/02 PubMed for Trainers 33 In groups of 2 or 3, explain to each other when and why you would use the [mh] or [pa] tags to search for pharmacologic actions with a drug or disease. Use these examples: Find articles about Bismuth or Magnesium Hydroxide used as antacids. Find articles about treating GERD or Heartburn with antacids.

34 Exercise: Pharmacological Actions Revised 2013/01 PubMed for Trainers 34 Recently there has been some interest in thalidomide as an angiogenesis inhibitor. How might you search to find relevant records?

35 Summary Revised 2013/01 35 PubMed for Trainers You should now be able to: Explain how chemicals, drugs and other substances are described in MeSH. Search for drugs or chemicals in PubMed. Search using pharmacological action terms.

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