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Research Primary Research

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2 Research Primary Research
Research conducted by yourself (interviews, mind maps, mood boards) Secondary Research Research done by someone else( Internet articles, videos, pictures, newspapers and magazines) Qualitative Research Questioners that ask for the opinion of people rather than straight answers Quantitative Research Research that focuses on numbers and majority(yes or no answers)

3 Project ‘Hello’ After getting introduced to different set of research techniques we had to use them to conduct the research we wanted about our first project ‘Hello’ . The research mainly included: ’’What elements are important for each genre.’’ Which we had to use in order to produce a small film in our desired genre by only using the word ‘Hello’

4 Sound Task We learned the basics about the editing software ‘Avid’.
After we were given a short animated Pixar film ‘Lifted’ where we had to produce our own audio for it. While also practising and showcasing our audio and editing skills. I found this task extremely useful and interestingly enough my final major project is a quite similar task.

5 The Chase Project Last year right before our FMP we had to produce ‘The Chase Project’ The project had to involve some kind of chase and it didn’t matter what genre or media product it was. I made an Snickers commercial where the main premise is looking at how the chocolate bar improves the energy as the person chasing got tired, but a quick bite from snickers made him better. It was a fast paced chase scene that I enjoyed to make.

6 Final Major Project(Year 1)
In the final Major Project I experimented with different types of shots and editing to produce an infomercial for gambling addiction and how it can affect persons life. I had done a lot of primary and secondary research to be able to produce an advertisement that conveys it’s message clear and isn’t too complicated. I ran in issues of not being to able to film in certain locations and had to solve it with getting the scenes from movies and edit them together to make it flow.

7 The Game As one of the first tasks in year 2, we had to reproduce the scenes from one of the scenes in a TV show ’The Game’. We mainly focused on lighting and framing. And how experimenting with it can give the scene and the character a completely different mood. This task was really useful as we got to see the differences in the mood of the shots even if the lighting was off by little and you could see more shadow on the characters face.

8 Case Study This task was more into the research and theory of film making. We looked at different TV shows or films and tried to identify the influences it took from Social, political or chronological aspect. I personally took the look at the Netflix TV show ‘Stranger Things’ as it was set in 80’s and had a real retro feel to it.

9 Project ‘Transform’ After researching and producing a case study about the TV shows, we had to pick up a certain scene from one of the TV shows we looked at and try to recreate it and transform it with our own twist to it. The task was quite interesting as there was a lot of planning to do about the locations and characters that I choose. In this task I used a lot of editing with the sound, which will be helpful for extended project that I plan to produce.

10 Unit 12 This unit just like with final major project in year 1 we started off by looking at ourselves and our interests. Later on we had to produce different kinds of experiments in different kind of disciplines and showcase what we learned. I experimented with camera options such as shutter speed and aperture. And also experimented with sound in music video which I later on wanted to expand on and decided to do a full production with my own audio for my final project.

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