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Leadership Development Series

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1 Leadership Development Series
#1 Wed. Sept. 10, 2014

2 Goals and Objectives Goal: Identify an area of focus and learn, plan, practice, deliver and reflect on your process for supporting PLC’s with effective two-way feedback. Objective: Reflecting on staar4ward levels of implementation – principals will evaluate PLCs for effectiveness

3 The Principal Reflect on 2 teachers who are now Superior/Great teachers in as a result of your leadership last year.

4 The Principal The impact of the principal’s intentional leadership can be huge! The principal accounts for almost 60% of the school’s impact on student achievement. (Marzano, 2005).

5 Intentional Leadership
Focused Action Leading the Learning Learning through Leadership Intentional Communication Effective Connections

6 Connections are made by…
…ongoing feedback Remember: No time to give and use feedback means no time to cause learning.

7 Connections are made by…
“By receiving weekly observations and feedback, a teacher develops as much in one year as most teachers do in twenty.” Paul Bambrick Santoyo

8 Leadership 101 “Leaders must have conversations that interrogate reality, provoke learning, tackle tough challenges, and enrich relationships.” --Susan Scott, Fierce Conversations

9 Activating Prior Knowledge
What you did in staar4ward Webinar #1: Creating Focus Communicated a focus on learning… Analyzing process and readiness standards to map and plan for the delivery of TEKS-based instruction Improve instructional practice through committing to the work of the PLC

10 Activity Turn and talk about how you have created focus on campus.

11 Activating Prior Knowledge
What you did in staar4ward Webinar #2: Planning Instruction Communicated a focus on learning… Using the process standards to teach for transfer Using the PLC menu to increase levels of rigor

12 Activity Turn and talk: Discuss how your campus PLCs are using the tools (e.g. analyzing learning standards, CARE plan) to address the emphasis on “transfer of learning,” utilizing process standards, learning strategies & content builder.

13 Activating Prior Knowledge
Setting the stage for your learning in staar4ward Webinar 3: Organizing Intervention Communicating a focus on learning… Using the process standards to teach for transfer, using the PLC for PLC Monitoring and measuring student progress

14 What is a PLC? The very essence of a learning community is a focus on and a commitment to the learning of each student. So, what is a PLC? It is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve from DuFour, et. al.

15 C C or C? Coordinate-shared information, time, space
Cooperate-coordinate plus individual effort Collaborate-cooperate plus collective effort and responsibility

16 Subtracting: Thinking about the difference
Using the subtract-map-select-commit process to determine your area of focus Subtracting: Thinking about the difference Think about each PLC on your campus… How are they working? Are they Coordinating, Cooperating or Collaborating?

17 Focus Activity Mapping List the PLC’s on your campus
Determine which level they are functioning: Coordinating- red Cooperating-yellow Collaborating- green Provide evidence to support your evaluation of each PLC

18 Focus Activity Think Pair Share: Using your campus PLC data sheet, discuss with a non-table partner… Highlights and insights The qualities associated with your high performing PLC’s –what actions do they take that create positive student results?

19 Focused Feedback Framed as Learning
Frequent Early Evidence-based Dialogue-oriented Beneficial Accurate Clear Kind

20 Intentional Practice Selecting
Select two PLC’s: a collaborating (green) and a coordinating (red) Develop a Plan of Action—using FEEDBACK!

21 Intentional Practice Committing
What commitments will you make to move your PLC’s into action? Intentional Practice Given your green and red selections, execute your FEEDBACK plan. Be prepared to share your evidence of progress in the October principal business and leadership meeting.

22 Feedback Framed as Learning
Opportunity for Feedback On your index card reflect on the following question stem… I am currently challenged by_____________ I have done ____________ about it Find someone in the room to get feedback from.

23 Lead Learning Change the World

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