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Organic Chemistry Notes

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1 Organic Chemistry Notes
EQ: How does the valence electron structure of carbon allow For so much diversity in bonding?

2 Carbon is unique Carbon has 4 bonding electrons
Carbon can form a large variety of compounds Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins & nucleic acids Organic Chemistry is the study of Carbon and its properties.

3 Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain only hydrogen and Carbon Hydrocarbons are named by the types of bonds between C atoms Alkanes Single bonds between Carbons Alkenes One or more double bonds between Carbons Alkynes One or more triple bonds between carbons.


5 Naming Hydrocarbons Chains are named by the number of carbons in the chain and the type of bond between the carbons. # of Carbons Prefix 1 Meth 2 Eth 3 Prop 4 But 5 Pent 6 Hex 7 Hept 8 Oct 9 Non 10 Dec

6 Alkanes Used in fuels and solvents, paint removers, glues and other products. Straight chains are named based on the number of single bonded carbon atoms. Saturated hydrocarbons, all single bonds.


8 Alkenes Have one or more double bonds between carbon atoms.
Use the same prefixes and number the carbon(s) where the double bond is found Draw: 2 pentene 4, 6 Decene Name: 1-butene

9 Alkynes Have one or more triple bonds between the carbon atoms.
Ethyne, known more commonly as acetylene, is the most important commercial alkyne (welding) Use the same prefixes and number the carbon(s) where the triple bond is found Draw: 3- heptyne 2, 5 octyne Name: 8-nonyne

10 Branched Smaller branches coming off of the parent chain
Number the Carbon atoms from left to right Named by the number of the carbon they come off of & the number of carbons in the branch Draw: 3 ethyl hexane 2 methyl 3-heptene 2methyl, 4 ethyl, 5 octyne

11 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Have a six carbon ring in their structure: benzene Typically have a unique aroma In this hexagon, each corner represents a carbon atom. The circle in the middle of the structure represents the cloud of six electrons that are shared equally by the six carbon atoms in the molecule.


13 Substituted Hydrocarbons
Have a hydrocarbon backbone with other atoms substituted for part of the hydrocarbon The substituted structure is called a functional group.

14 Polymers A large molecule that is made up of many smaller, repeating units is called a polymer Monomer: small individual unit bonded together make up polymer May be same or different Synthetic Man-made, sports & winter protection, balls, turf Natural Silk, cellulose


16 Polymer Example: Draw the structure of the polymer that will be formed from the monomer shown. Answer:

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