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Organic and biochemistry

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1 Organic and biochemistry
Nomenclature of alkane IUPAC nomenclature Assistance Lecturer Amjad Ahmed Jumaa

2 Nomenclature of the alkanes IUPAC names of alkanes:
IUPAC: international union of pure and applied chemistry. Since this system follows much the same pattern for all families of organic compounds, we shall consider it in some detail as applied to the alkanes. Essentially the rules of the IUPAC system are: Let us take the following alkane as example:

3 CH3CH2CH(CH2CH3)CH2CH2CH3 3-ethyl-6-hexane CH3CH(Br)CH3 2-bromo-prpane
2-methyl pentane CH3CH2CH(CH2CH3)CH2CH2CH3 3-ethyl-6-hexane CH3CH(Br)CH3 2-bromo-prpane

4 Step( 1): Pick out the longest continuous carbon chain, in the above example the longest chain has five carbon atoms, the compounds named as a derivative of pentane. Step (2): Identify the substituent groups attached to the parent chain; in the above example the parent pentane chain bears a methyl (CH3) group as a substituent.

5 Number the longest continuous chain in the direction that gives the lowest number to the substituent group at the first point of branching. The numbering scheme. Step (4) Write the name of the compounds, the parent alkane is the last part of the name and is preceded by the names of the substituent groups:

6 Problem: give an accepted name for the following alkane:

7 Solution: 5-ethyl -2, 4, 6-trimethyl octane Follow problem: give an accepted name for the following alkanes:

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