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How to Create a Cover Page

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1 How to Create a Cover Page
For each unit we study in History, you will be making a cover page in your Interactive Notebook. Each cover page will include the following: Unit title (given by teacher) A symbolic border (3 sides okay) 10 items on a timeline (date parameters given by teacher) Colorful, pertinent, informational visuals

2 The Fall of the Roman Empire
Tips: Must be two facing pages in your IN; no felt pens, Sharpies or glitter. Byzantine Empire The Fall of the Roman Empire Barbarians Constantinople 550 1650

3 Grading Rubric What Score 10 5 Total 20
Ten accurate items are included on the timeline, pertaining to the culture studied, within the time parameters given. 10 Visuals are colorful, informative, pertinent and plentiful. The title and symbolic border are prominent and well proportioned. 5 The overall effect reflects thoughtful planning and execution. Creativity and imagination are apparent. Total 20

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