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Emily Burns & Raymond Arreola

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1 Emily Burns & Raymond Arreola
MyHTHology Emily Burns & Raymond Arreola

2 H.C.G.’s Physics Concept: Projectile Motion
Definition: Projectile Motion is the act of a projectile moving in a parabolic path with gravity being he only force acting against it. Projectiles usually also travel horizontally while moving in the parabolic path. How It Effects Superpowers: H.C.G. has the power to throw any item ( the projectile) in an exact parabolic path, calculated correctly to hit her target. Real-Life Examples: An example of projectile motion is an ice-skater. She jumps, with gravity acting against her, travels in a parabolic path, while moving horizontally, and then lands. Equation: x=   -vi2 sin 2   g     What the Variables Mean: x is the unknown, g is gravity, and vi is initial velocity.

3 T.V.’s Physics Concept: Terminal Velocity
Definition: Terminal Velocity is the limit towards with the velocity of a body falling through the air. The constant maximum velocity reached by a body falling through the atmosphere under the attraction of gravity. So, it is the maximum speed of something falling through the air. How It Effects Superpowers: T.V will be able to control the speed of him falling through the air. He can fall at 10 mph or 150 mph, any speed he wants to go at. Real-Life Example: An example of terminal velocity & how it applies in real-life is a sky diver, because when that person jumps out of the air plane it takes a few seconds for that person to be going at maximum speed, and that is terminal velocity Equation: -When Drag is equal to Weight, acceleration becomes zero   Then: W =  D = Cd r V2 A                              2 Terminal Velocity: V = sqrt ( 2 W )                                                  ( Cd r A )

4 T.V.: Terminal Velocity Man
T.V. is a superhero. He has saved over 100 people. Manipulating terminal velocity is his power. He can jump as high as he wants and then control the speed at which he falls. Remember, T.V. “owns you!!”

5 T.V.’s Super Symbol The arrows all around it show that he can fall at any speed any where he wants also. The to lightning bolts show that he can fall down from the sky really fast up to 150 mph. T.V. stands for Terminal Velocity and that is super hero name.

6 T.V. Secret Identity CONFIDENTIAL Name: Ray Rice
Job: He is a professional skydiving instructor. So… he can control how fast he falls out from the plane. Which is terminal velocity being manipulated. The people that he instructs don’t know about him & his powers, so he just keeps it normal unless there’s danger near by then changes in to TERMINAL VELOCITY!

7 H.C.G.: Human Cannon Girl H.C.G. is no newcomer on the superhero scene. After partnering with T.V., her number of rescues has increased. Her power comes from manipulating projectile motion. She can pick up any object and then throw it in the exact parabolic path that it needs to fly in to hit her target.

8 H.C.G.’s Super Symbol On the inside of the symbol, there are H.C.G.’s initials. The outside is a half circle with a parabola on top. There is a parabola because the things she throws go in a parabolic path.

9 H.C.G.’s Secret Identity CONFIDENTIAL Name: Kelly J. Temple
Career: Kelly is a professional ice skater. She placed bronze in the World Championships in 1992. This job uses her powers of projectile motion, because when a ice-skater jumps into the air, they move in a parabolic path, while moving horizontally, and, like other projectiles, gravity is acting against them.

10 Perfect Partners It was a warm summer day, and Kelly (H.C.G.) decided to go skydiving after her friend said it was lots of fun. It was then she met Ray (T.V.). He was her instructor. Even through her nervousness, she managed to say hello. It was from these first words that they became the best of friends. It was not until 2 years later that they found out about each others superpowers.

11 Perfect Partners…Continued
It was after a long discussion over lunch that they decided to become partners. They came upon the decision after realizing how perfect their powers would be together. Here’s Why… -Ray (a.k.a. TV), could jump really high, & could control the speed at which he falls. -Kelly ( a.k.a HCG), had super strength, but she threw anything in an exact parabolic path to hit her target. So… Kelly’s power uses the concept of projectile motion, but anything flying through the air will ideally reach a terminal velocity. So, not only are Ray and Kelly great friends, they are also great super partners!!!

12 The Super-heros have to go save the world…again. Thanks for listening!

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