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What do you notice about the age of the people?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you notice about the age of the people?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you notice about the age of the people?
What is happening here? What do you notice about the age of the people? What does this tell you about how effectively the Nazis spread their message? The picture shows the burning of Jewish books. The boys in the picture are young (early-mid teenage years approx) which tells us that the Nazis were successful in spreading their message amongst young people as well as adults. Some students might identify that this was done through education and/or youth groups such as the Hitler Youth.

2 The Big Picture: The Nazis in Power
Key Vocabulary Chancellor Fuhrer Opposition Resistance Police State Censorship Propaganda Today we can tick off our second key question! Know how the Nazis consolidated their power with methods of control THE NAZIS IN POWER Recap of the overall big picture from lesson 9. How did Hitler become Chancellor then Fuhrer by 1934 . Know why there was opposition and resistance to the Nazi Government

3 Today’s Lesson Nazi methods of control: (2) Indoctrination
Key Vocabulary Indoctrination Propaganda Censorship Nazi methods of control: (2) Indoctrination Understand how Censorship helped the Nazis remove any alternative or rival ideas/beliefs to Nazism Today’s lesson title and objectives. Needs to be recorded by students. Know the significance of propaganda in spreading the Nazi message . Identify the different methods used by Goebbels to promote Nazism

4 What is ‘Indoctrination’?
In very simple terms, indoctrination is BRAINWASHING people into believing or accepting ideas. Students need to have a definition of ‘Indoctrination’ recorded in their books for revision purposes.

5 So how do you indoctrinate someone?
Through CENSORSHIP: Prevent people from accessing information which might give them beliefs or ideas that are different to those you want them to have. This means removing parts of, or even whole books, films etc. Through PROPAGANDA: Make sure people can and do access information and material which promotes your message, ideas and beliefs. This means creating purpose made films, books, posters etc. that reinforce your ideas and persuade people that they are correct! Ask students to add these definitions to their key words list – they should already have a definition for indoctrination.

6 Meet the brains behind the indoctrination!
ARYAN – The Nazi racial ‘ideal’ – pure breed As soon as Hitler became Chancellor he appointed Joseph Goebbels as Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda. This gave him total control over the press, radio, publishing, films and the arts. He was free to ADD and REMOVE things as he saw fit. Goebbels was a propaganda genius. Whilst he had a slight disability (he had one leg shorter than the other – this led to the nickname ‘clubfoot’ as he had one shoe built up so he could walk straight), he was still a propaganda dream – his family were the perfect ‘Aryan’ family. He had a beautiful Aryan wife and five Aryan children! Students could produce a profile of Goebbels – but there is no need for them to do anything with this slide if time does not permit. You may wish to expand the definition/understanding of Aryan.

7 Remove all anti-Nazi material, and anything by the Jews!
What’s going on?? This photograph was taken in 1933 – before Hitler became Fuhrer. It shows that even in his position of Chancellor he was able to use his powers to remove unwanted material. Goebbels ordered the burning of all books that disagreed with the Nazi message and this included those published by Jews. Note the scale of the burning (this was only one of many) and the onlookers who show their support for the Nazis with the traditional salute.

8 Indoctrinate the people!
Write the word PROPAGANDA in the middle of a double page in your book. Create 6 stems coming off from that word as shown below. Use pages 58 and 59 of the Life in Germany textbook (blue book) to add information to your subheadings. Culture Posters Radio PROPAGANDA Students follow instructions on the slide. The best textbook for this is the blue book (Waugh and Leonard) but there is some information in the white Banham and Culpin book also. Allow a good 20 minutes for students to collect information. Emphasise the need to summarise not simply copy. Rallies Berlin Olympics Cinema

9 How effective was the Nazi Propaganda machine?
Now that your mindmap is complete label each aspect from 1-6, with 1 being the MOST effective and 6 being the LEAST effective. Now justify your decision for number 1 and number 6: I believe the MOST effective form of Nazi propaganda was…….. Because…. I believe the LEAST effective form of Nazi propaganda was……. Because….

10 Was the 1936 Olympics a propaganda success OR failure for the Nazis?
Watch the following short clip about the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin. Use this and the knowledge you gained from the previous exercise to divide ideas into two columns in your book: Propaganda success: Propaganda failure: Ideas might include: SUCCESS – It gave the illusion that Germany was making a fresh start. The Nazi symbol was displayed everywhere. FAILURE – Jesse Owens success went against the Nazi belief of Aryan superiority. There was some discussion of boycott because treatment of the Jews was clear through Nazi newspapers etc

11 Plenary: This can be done through any method you see fit so long as TILT time is built in to the last part of the lesson. Today I learnt that….?

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