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Napoleonic Era: 1799-1815.

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Presentation on theme: "Napoleonic Era: 1799-1815."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleonic Era:

2 Napoleon’s Rise to Power
Son of a poor village lawyer on Corsica Rise Due to Character: brilliant, energy, ambition, charismatic Military ability France’s desire for a orderly government

3 Rise to Power First Public Recognition (1793-5): drove British troops from town of Toulon, dispersed rioting crowds threatening National Convention Italian Campaign (1796-7): Given command of French army in Italy, beat Austrians; became national hero Egyptian Campaign (1799-9): Invaded Egypt to secure a base to attack British colonies in India

4 Napoleon becomes Emperor
Coup d’Ếtat (1799): Overthrew Directory (weak government set up in France after Revolution), wrote new constitution, called himself First Consul (actually a military dictator) Proclamation of Empire (1804): Changed republic to empire Crowned himself emperor

5 Napoleon Takes Over…Everything
1799, France was at war with the Allies, monarchies trying to crush French Revolution Napoleon fought them until 1809, defeating Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain, German States, Italian States; only Britain safe Dominated all of Continental Europe to Russia

6 Napoleon Takes Over…Everything

7 Reasons for Downfall Ambition: Empire grew too large
Britain controlled seas, saved them from invasion (sold Louisiana Territory to US because he knew he could not defend it, also needed money) Rising Nationalism: Inspired by French nationalism, other countries became nationalistic and wanted to be rid of French rule Exhaustion of France, tired of 20 years of war

8 Continental System (1806-1812)
Could not invade GB, decided to hurt them economically Ordered European countries (Continent) to boycott Britain Czar Alexander I of Russia feared Napoleon’s power and ignored Continental System Czar resumes trade, Napoleon invades Russia (Bad call)

9 Continental System

10 End of the Wars Napoleon invades Russia, they use Scorched Earth Policy: retreating and burning the land as the French advanced, depriving them of supplies “General Winter” and guerilla attacks finally defeated him 600,000 French went in; 400,000 died Finally, inspired by Russian success and nationalism Prussia and Austria declared war on France, invaded and took Paris

11 “Respect my Authority”
Hundred Days After his defeat, Napoleon abdicated and was exiled to Elba (1814) Comes back in 1815 and resumes control of France (for only a hundred days) Allies marshaled forces against him and defeat him at Waterloo Napoleon exiled again to island of Helena until he dies in 1821 “Respect my Authority”

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