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When Moving files it not all

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Presentation on theme: "When Moving files it not all"— Presentation transcript:

1 When Moving files it not all
Resource Management When Moving files it not all

2 A more efficient workflow
Etere Enterprise Resources Management improve your workflow We do not change your tasks but make them more efficient Etere ERM is the base of your job organization Generate Work Order Track Work Order Track expenses Manage files and rights Manage resources Generate agendas

3 Etere Agenda It’s the central job repository
No more crawling between application to perform your tasks One single click and you are redirected to: Preview approve Asset data management Subtitling Ingest Dubbing

4 Media production

5 Workflow start Metadata Check Metadata Complete Metadata Ingest
Censorship Set Approved End

6 User Agenda

7 Easy Preview

8 Task Details Quick access buttons

9 One click access

10 Workflow integration start Metadata Check Metadata Complete
I/O Port IN USE SONY PetaSite Metadata Complete Metadata Ingest Censorship Set Approved Transcode End

11 Task sharing

12 Ingest Task All the operators see the task as available
Assigned to all operators Operator 1 Operator 2 Operator 3 Operator 4 All the operators see the task as available Operator 1 take the task other operator do not see it anymore Operator 1 end task the workflow complete

13 Auto Assign I declare to start Cost to be inserted

14 To be Assigned WF – Promo

15 Job to be Assigned Promo needs to be Created Promo creation task
NLE Suite 1 Supervisor Assign to Operator and Suite NLE Suite 2 NLE Operator 1 NLE Operator 2 NLE Operator 2 Promo creation task Several operators and tasks are available Supervisor assign OPERATOR Supervisor assign NLE SUITE

16 Assign Job

17 Details of the Jobs assignee Resources Task or calendar dates Default
cost View calendar

18 Personal Calendar

19 Resources calendar

20 Outlook Integration

21 Cost Control

22 Cost Control dates assignee Task or calendar View calendar Default

23 Each task can have a cost
Cost is category and default value is pre-determined when task is build Cost categories can be configurable as Money Operator Time Equipment time External organization cost All those costs and their values are fully customizable Time used is automatically detected

24 Cost Categories

25 Cost by Asset

26 Detailed Report Digital certificate Additional Password

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