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We are Arthur and Stephanie
Hello from Civitas! We are Arthur and Stephanie
Advertising/Marketing and Fake News
TRUTH in media will be our common theme. What is the definition of TRUTH or something that is TRUE? Fact Reality Accurate
What is Media? Collective communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. What does MANIPULATE mean? control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly
ADVERTISING What is it? A tool to get people to buy goods and/or services or to spread awareness of an issue/problem in PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT ads. WHAT IS A CONSUMER? You! People who buy and use products and services advertised How “good” of a consumer are you? (Can you be a good consumer?) Let’s check…
What companies use these icons in their advertisements?
What slogan (or tagline) does the following advertise?
“Betcha can’t eat just one!” “I’m Lovin’ It!”
“The Quicker Picker Upper.”
“Just Do It!”
“Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.”
“Can You Hear Me Now?”
“Think Different.”
“Finger Lickin’ Good.”
“When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best.”
“Good To The Last Drop.”
You all are VERY good consumers!!
Do companies market products for your age group specifically? Are you manipulated? Are you persuaded? Why are you a powerful group for marketing, even though you don’t have a lot of disposable income? What products are marketed for teenagers? What kind of cell phone is the coolest?! What services are marketed for teenagers? Think for a minute…is there something you wish you could have after seeing an advertisement for it? Anyone want to share?
Where do you see advertisements?
Internet, magazines, commercials on TV, billboards, on vehicles, newspapers, mail…
Back to truth…are all advertisements honest?
IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO LIE IN AN ADVERTISEMENT. A government agency called the Federal Trade Commission tries to protect consumers. Outright lies are rare, but stretching the truth and “telling stories” is what good advertisers do. So, the FTC has THREE QUESTIONS FOR CONSUMERS to consider when analyzing advertisements.
Ask Yourself… Who created the ad?
What does the ad want you to buy, do, and/or think? What is the story they want you to believe? What is true?
Who created this? What do they want you to buy? What’s the story?
Good Questions When Analyzing News, too. What is News?
Traditional news is believed to be fact-based, objective, sourced, and can almost always be trusted to report events honestly. Also BIASED NEWS--This is news reported with an opinion, and is meant to further an agenda. This news sometimes doesn't report all the facts, makes judgments about events, and often tries to frame stories to fit a narrative. This type of news should be viewed cautiously. And FAKE NEWS--This is NOT news. Events are often either completely made up or sprinkled with facts. Headlines often tell the reader how to feel or are vague in their sources of information. Is almost totally unreliable. (Comes in meme form)
News Exists on a Spectrum
It can be hard to say where one begins and another ends Fake News Biased News News
FAKE NEWS IS NOT TRUE (The term is being used by some to describe biased news.)
Understand traditional media in print/digital form and TV shows, i.e. The New York Times and Washington Post and “leaning-partisan” news sites like MSNBC and Fox News
The Weekly World News was a largely fictional news tabloid published in the United States from 1979 to 2007, renowned for its outlandish cover stories often based on supernatural or paranormal themes and an approach to news that verged on the satirical. Its characteristic black-and-white covers have become pop-culture images widely used in the arts. It ceased publication in August 2007.
When should you be skeptical?
The source is not a recognizable name. Look at URL, if it ends with or lo, be suspicious No author(s) listed or links/sources weak/questionable. Any quotes? Read past the headline—are photos credited? Check the date, if there is one Odd spelling/grammatical errors Ads are odd or “news” is sponsored content Some state in “About” info that they are a satire site Think before you share—look up the “news”
Chrome Extensions to Help Detect Fake News
Project FiB: Stop living a lie (verified in blue box in top right)—verifies images and text B.S. Detector—works on Facebook, Twitter, as well as news sites. No image detection Media Bias/Fact Check Available for free on the Chrome store!
Bad Photo-Editing
Photo Manipulation Soviet Union regularly erased disgraced political leaders from photos. The left shows Nicolai Yezhov with Joseph Stalin in original picture from 1930s.
“Fake” News—a young victim of war in eastern Ukraine?
An image from a photo competition in Australia in 2010, before fighting in Ukraine started (2014).
Checking an Image Click and save image
Go to Google Reverse Image Search Upload Picture Choose “Show Matches” A list of image uses will appear, with original use/date if known Also (uses URL of the photo, no need to upload) Foto Forensics
1917—5 photographs taken by 2 cousins
who were 16 and 9. FAKE NEWS?!
Over 60 years later, the cousins admitted they were not real. However,
this one, they said was indeed real.
Can be ads or “news” stories. Often both. Use buzzwords to capture our attention: SHOCKING! CONFIRMED! YOU WON’T BELIEVE! SECRET or HIDDEN THE TRUTH ABOUT
IS THIS REAL NEWS? React 365 posted in October, 2016: While it is
not entirely impossible, it is incredibly uncommon for salt water dwelling creatures to stay for lengthy periods of time in fresh water. However, two Great White Sharks have managed to survive the trip and make their way up the Mississippi River. Here they are near St. Louis, MO.
According to, with search of “sharks in Mississippi River”:
Photo has been circulating since 2008, so 8 years old Bull sharks in Rio Sirena River, located in Corcovado National Park in Costa Rica React365 is a website that lets you create fake news to “prank” others Goes on to analyze shark fins. These are not Great White shark fins.
Real News? Fake News? Biased News?
Real News? Fake News? Biased News?
Real News? Fake News? Biased News?
Real News? Fake News? Biased News?
The Navy Midshipmen played Tulsa University Golden Hurricanes on September 30, 2017 and prayed before the game started. They beat Tulsa 31-21, btw.
True. Two reporters, Chris Johnson of Washington Blade and April Ryan of CNN, who are usually invited were not. The White House said it was an accident.
Are these Real News, Biased News, or Fake News headlines about Health Care Bill?
Senate GOP unveils health care bill that slashes Medicaid and taxes Republicans, Democrats clash on Senate floor after GOP bill revealed Senate unveils health care bill dismantling Obamacare Horrid headlines on the health-care bill are about an alternate reality “The government wants to kill me,” protesters scream at GOP Senate GOP health care bill looks a lot like ‘mean’ House one Senate health care bill includes deep cuts to Medicaid McConnell unveils answer to House Obamacare overhaul Under Trumpcare plan, rape would be considered a pre-existing condition
Are these Real News, Biased News, or Fake News headlines about Health Care Bill?
Senate GOP unveils health care bill that slashes Medicaid and taxes—USA TODAY Republicans, Democrats clash on Senate floor after GOP bill revealed—Washington Examiner Senate unveils health care bill dismantling Obamacare—Wall Street Journal Horrid headlines on the health-care bill are about an alternate reality—New York Post “The government wants to kill me,” protesters scream at GOP—The Daily Beast Senate GOP health care bill looks a lot like ‘mean’ House one—Yahoo News Senate health care bill includes deep cuts to Medicaid--CNN McConnell unveils answer to House Obamacare overhaul—Fox News Under Trumpcare plan, rape would be considered a pre-existing condition—Resistance Report
President Trump and “Fake News”
A year ago it was reported Donald Trump would be executive producer of “The Celebrity Apprentice.” Kellyanne Conway defended him. Trump later said it was all “fake news.” As of December 11, 2017 he has tweeted “fake news” over 150 times since the above story. Ironically, true “Fake News” describes the propaganda and lies from Russia (and other places, even within America) that filled Facebook, YouTube, etc. during 2016 Presidential campaign. Trump’s “Fake News” complaints are usually credible reports he just doesn’t like. Since 2015 Politifact has counted 329 public statements by Trump that it judges to be mostly or entirely false. Excellent journalism prioritizes evidence and verifies sources. Recently, a woman had a dramatic, false story she shared with Washington Post reporters about her relationship with Roy Moore. After investigating further, they discovered she was working with Project Veritas, a group that uses false stories to try and show media bias.
RUSSIA FAKE NEWS STORIES (during 2016 presidential campaign)
Pope Francis shocks world, endorses Donald Trump for President “Pizzagate,” a made-up story of a pedophilia ring supposedly being run out of a Washington D.C. pizza parlor by Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager Claims Clinton had a brain injury and was losing her mind Melvin Redick, with a young daughter, posted on FB a link to a brand-new website, #DCLeaks, saying “These guys show hidden truth about Hillary Clinton, George Soros and other leaders of the US.” Image search resulted in photo from Brazil. Another photo of his “daughter” on his FB profile showed Brazilian electrical outlets in the background.
Message? BE VERY CAREFUL about what you read and share!
Advertisers use three categories of persuasion: PATHOS, ETHOS, LOGOS.
PATHOS appeals to the consumer’s emotions: sadness, anger, fear, affection, humor
More PATHOS ads (pull at our emotions. ) Who created the ad
More PATHOS ads (pull at our emotions!) Who created the ad? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
PATHOS—What are the emotions they want consumers to feel
PATHOS—What are the emotions they want consumers to feel? Who created the ad? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
ETHOS is what is ethical or right
ETHOS is what is ethical or right. Often persuasive ads with ETHOS are testimonials or famous people or someone with authority. Who created this ad? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
LOGOS=Logical, persuasive LOGOS ads use statistics, facts, studies, surveys, and comparison words. Who created the ad? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos. Who created the ad. What are they selling
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos? Who created the ad? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos. What are they selling
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
PATHOS, ETHOS or LOGOS. What are they selling
PATHOS, ETHOS or LOGOS? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos. What are they selling
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos. What are they selling
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos. What are they selling
Pathos, Ethos, or Logos? What are they selling? What is the story they want you to believe?
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