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Long Term Medium Secure Patients A London Perspective

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1 Long Term Medium Secure Patients A London Perspective
Dr Bradley Hillier, SpR in Forensic Psychiatry, South Thames Forensic Training Scheme Treasurer, International Association Forensic Psychotherapy Co-Authors: Dr Paul Gilluley, (Director of Forensic Services, East London NHS FT) Dr Mary-Anne Harty (Associate Medical Director, Forensic Service, South West London NHS MHT), Dr Doreen Attard (Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist, SABP/Priory Thornford Park), Dr Stephen Attard (Lead Clinician, Male Secure Service, St Andrew’s Hospital Group, Northampton) With thanks to Drs Adrian Lambourne and Sarah White for statistical analyses


3 Outline of Presentation
Background Motivation Methodology Results Conclusions and Implications Q&A

4 Background

5 Medium Secure Evolution in UK (1)
Emery, Glancy and Butler Committee / Reports Aims To manage people in levels of security appropriate to their needs To enable individuals stepping down from supraregional high security to re-integrate with local area and re-settle. Joined-up care To be discharged to community within 2-4 years Beyond this regarded as “Long Term”

6 Medium Secure Evolution in UK (2)
Reinforced by Best Practice Guidance for Medium Secure Services 2007 (Dept of Health) “criteria for care by a forensic service within medium security probably best calculated on a matrix of positions on a number of dimensions reflecting qualities such as illness/disorder activity, history of seriousness and frequency of violent or other dangerous behaviour, likelihood of repetition, imminence of that repetition, the extent to which any threat posed is specific or general, capacity to escape and insight and capacity for co-operating with treatment and supervision to name but a few...different MSUs can cater for groups with different needs...including Long-Term Medium Secure Care...these different patient groups will require different skills and expertise to meet their need and may require different mixes of environmental, procedural and relational security”

7 The Current Study Quantify the current need for long-term medium secure services in the London region Characterise the demographics and other features of the patient population Attempt to identify factors associated with prolonged length of stay that may pose barriers to discharge as identified Consider the implications for service provision and therapeutic model that the findings suggest

8 Methodology Multi-site, cross sectional descriptive data collection with view to service improvement, future planning 3 regions of London with total population of 4.6m

9 Data Collection Tool Demographic Information
Offence Information, Referral Source and MHA Status Diagnoses Substance Misuse Problems Physical Health, Staff Support and Care Needs Current medication (incl Clozapine/Depot) Patient’s future

10 Results: Demographics
Totals: N= 105, 90 M 15 F Ages (yrs) Hospital Stay (yrs) Male Female Total Group Mean 44 40 43.7 Median 42 Range 24-76 25-52 Male Female Total Mean 9.4 8.01 9.3 Median 7.5 6.4 Range 3.7-16

11 Results: Ethnicity

12 Results: Detention Status

13 Results: Index Offence

14 Results: Primary Diagnosis

15 Results: Substance Misuse

16 Results: Medication

17 Results Staff Support Needs

18 Results: Problems Preventing Discharge

19 Results: Future Prediction

20 Questions that are raised
Why are patients who are too unwell for discharge with psychosis after 4 yrs not prescribed clozapine? Why are there predictions that a significant minority may be back in prison in 5 years? Are opportunities being missed earlier in the duration of a patient stay?

21 Different offender groups and the model used, differing needs, cross sectional analysis.

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