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First Year Experience El Camino College.

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1 First Year Experience El Camino College

2 Program History 2001 Title V Hispanic Serving Institution Grant
Cohort Model (1 year commitment) Humanities & Social Behavioral Sciences Transfer Focus

3 Sample Student Schedule
Fall 2010 English A English 84 Human Development 10 Math 73 Total: 14 units Spring 2011 English 1A Communication Studies 1 Math 150 Contemporary Health 1

4 Office of Institutional Research (Fall of 2004-Fall 2007 cohorts)
FYE students persist to their 2nd semester at a rate of 81%. Control group 74% FYE students persist to their 4th semester 67% Control group 38% FYE students were retained at an average rate of 85% Control group 76%

5 Linked Classes Developmental Reading and Writing
English and Political Science English and Sociology English and Art English, Speech, and Human Development

6 English 84 (Reading) + English A (Writing)
SLO: Comprehend and analyze college level texts; write academic, college-level essays. Shared Texts and Complementary Assignments “And Still We Rise” Journals and Reflections Reinforce learning in both classes Overlapping themes Promote self-responsibility Cultural, political engagement

7 English 84 English A HD 10 Write college level essays
Comprehend and analyze college level texts English A Write college level essays HD 10 Demonstrate responsibility, goal setting, interdependence

8 Service Learning Complete 8 hours of service learning
Develop self- awareness, sense of responsibility Write expository essays Research issues related to their area of service

9 Service Learning Project Eng A: Research paper, bibliography skills
Eng 84: Reading comprehension, annotation, research. Eng A: Research paper, bibliography skills HD 10: Responsibility, Interdependence, Goal setting

10 Freshman Composition and Chicano History: A Sample
Reinforced Concepts Types of borders Reasons to cross Challenges faced Strategies used Groups and individuals Alienation

11 The Assignment Los Vendidos explores some of the stereotypes (typologies) of the Mexican-American culture. Always Running explores Luis Rodriguez’s life as he grows within that culture. To what degree does Rodriguez fit the role of the typologies discussed in Los Vendidos? What are the results of those roles? In others words, for instance, does Luis ever seem like a “revolucionario”, and if so what happens when he behaves that way? You can discuss any typologies you wish but must formulate a thesis that unifies your point.

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