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Explain that electricity can carry energy through light and heat

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1 Explain that electricity can carry energy through light and heat

2 What does it mean to have a charge?
Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons and Electrons have a property of an electric charge A Charge is a fundamental property of matter just like mass and volume Charges cannot be seen, weighed or easily defined instead it is often defined as by its effects on matter The charge of protons and electrons are equal BUT protons are positive and electrons are negative. Like charges repel from each other Different charges attract each other

3 Static Electricity Most matter is electrically neutral
the protons and electrons are equal in number so their charges cancel When electrons are gained or lost temporarily, a charge can build up by the movement of electrons called static electricity Static Electricity- a stationary electric charge, typically produced by friction, that causes sparks or crackling or the attraction of dust or hair. Build up of static electricity when dissimilar materials come into contact. Sliding friction helps increase static electricity by causing more contact

4 Static Electricity Static Electricity can build up during conduction
electrons flow directly from one charged object to another by touching Induction can also cause static electricity charge is induced without direct contact. This means neutral objects can be charged by being near a charged object No matter how an object gets charged, it is eventually released or discharged. example of a discharge is lightening. Electrons build up on the bottom of a cloud creating a negative. The earth is positively charged. They are attracted to the positive earth. Thus discharging from the cloud.

5 Electric Currents The discharge, like lightening, is an example of an electric current. Electric Current- can be described as the movement or flow of charge charge can flow through any medium (solid, liquid or gas) In the case of lightening, the current flowed through gas-air Most of the Electric Currents we deal with in terms of movement are through Electric Circuits Electric Circuits- when current flows through a closed loop are means for bringing energy from one place to another

6 Electric Circuits Closed Circuit- the path of the circuit is a closed loop, meaning there is no breaks. Open Circuit- the of the circuit is open, there is no complete path for the energy to flow A circuit consists of four parts an energy source, such as a battery or generator wires through which charge can flow a device that either stores energy or transforms energy into another form switch to open and close the circuit Radio for example is a device that transforms electric energy into sound Lightbulb is a device that transforms electric energy into light and heat

7 Electric Circuit When the switch is on and the circuit is closed, electrons can complete the circuit and the bulb lights. When the switch is off, the circuit is broken or open. The light won’t light.

8 Short Circuits Current tends to flow through the path that offers the least resistance. A short circuit- occurs when an accidental, unintended path that offers low resistance is established in a circuit. short circuits are dangerous too much current flows through the wires of a short circuit and wires become very hot can lead to fires and destroy appliances Fuses and circuit breakers are two safety devices that have been developed to deal with short circuits and prevent circuits from overloading

9 Types of Circuits There are two types of circuit
series circuits and parallel circuits A Series Circuit- all parts are connected in a line and current flows successively through each electrons flow through a single path only A Parallel Circuit- the parts are connected on several branches, each branch making its own complete circuit. electrons flow through multiple paths

10 Types of Circuits Series Circuits are less complex and less costly than parallel circuits since current can flow through only one path in a series circuit, if multiple paths in a series are connected they all need to be on or off Holiday lights are usually series circuits Appliances are on a parallel circuit. If they were on a series circuit you would not be able to run you fridge, microwave, lamps etc. since parallel paths allow for multiple paths they create greater flexibility and ease of use.

11 Videos Static Electricity-
Series Circuit- Parallel Circuit- Bill Nye Static electricity

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