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Importance of Information Management in Human Services

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of Information Management in Human Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of Information Management in Human Services

2 How is information management critical to human service organizations?
It’s used to…

3 Communicate with client-customers
Follow-up and check-ins Scheduling appointments Billing Responding to questions and concerns Technology s Phone systems Web portals

4 Promote services to service populations
How do we make those who need our services aware of our existence and what we can provide? Communications media Print Television and radio Web-based media Phone apps

5 Increase awareness of human services related information
How do we provide quality, research-based information to the general public and stakeholders? How do we engage in advocacy and public awareness of societal issues? Gathering information (information literacy) Research Data mining Organizing information for effective and efficient use Targeting information to the intended audience

6 Assist in program evaluation, improvement planning, and making decisions about human service programs How do we know what we are doing is working? How can we make data-driven decisions to improve? What data should we be collecting? Human services vs. manufacturing Harder to evaluate effectiveness Dealing with complex human and societal issues

7 Facilitate collaboration amongst human service organizations
How can we partner with organizations who have similar goals and missions? What technology is available to facilitate collaboration? How can information be shared and what information can be shared? Technology Virtual meeting platforms Google docs Secure file trans

8 Store information and data
Documentation and audits Legal and regulatory compliance Quality assurance Case management and tracking Preventing someone from “falling through the cracks” Report to constituencies and stakeholders General public Legislative and administrative authorities Board of directors Sponsors and financers Heritage preservation Tracking organizational history Where have we come from? What’s changed?

9 Review Information management is used in human services to…
Communicate with client-customers Promote services to service populations Increase awareness of human services related information Assist in program evaluation, improvement planning, and making decisions about human service programs Facilitate collaboration amongst human service organizations Store information and data for a variety of purposes

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