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Joseph Karugia Coordinator, ReSAKSS-ECA

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Presentation on theme: "Joseph Karugia Coordinator, ReSAKSS-ECA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph Karugia Coordinator, ReSAKSS-ECA
Setting up SAKSS Governance Structures and Analytical Networks in East and Central Africa Joseph Karugia Coordinator, ReSAKSS-ECA

2 Outline Background Concept of SAKSS SAKSS Governance Structure
SAKSS Analytical Network Progress in Eastern and Central Africa Lessons Learned

3 Background The need and functions of country SAKSS were clearly articulated during the round table process in most countries CAADP Brochure No. 5 Country CAADP compacts/NAFSIPs

4 The Concept of Country SAKSS

5 SAKSS: Broker of Strategic Analysis/Knowledge
Demand Supply SAKSS Oversight Body SAKSS Node SAKSS Network Policy Analysis Units Think Tanks, Central Bank Universities, Statistics Bureaus, Ag. Research centers Parliament, PS, Donors, Directors Express interest and buy into vision Align knowledge generation activities Receive training & funding to undertake analysis Governance Channel knowledge and evidence to policy making Identify and sensitize knowledge gaps Synthesize knowledge Mobilize and coordinate knowledge generation Facilitate capacity building

6 Progress in ECA Country SAKSS have been established in DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda; agreement signed but not yet operationalized in Ethiopia Inclusive SAKSS advisory committees have been set up in DRC, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda; process of setting up is underway in Kenya Key roles of advisory committee: overall oversight; champions to channel knowledge and evidence to key policy and decision makers; resource mobilization

7 Progress in ECA Analytical networks have been set up in:
Rwanda Tanzania (Policy Analysis Group) Process is underway in: DRC (national network and regional networks) Kenya (linking to existing Agricultural Policy Analysis Group) Uganda SAKSS activities being implemented with the network members but there is need to formalize the relationships

8 Lessons Learned Technical buy-in and leadership by the Ministry of Agriculture is very important Take into account other in-country initiatives In-country negotiation process can take long Inclusiveness is important Avoid dominance of the process by one party, especially Ministry of Agriculture

9 Thank you

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