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Highways UK Session 1 9 November 2017 Overview of the project

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2 Highways UK Session 1 9 November 2017 Overview of the project
Brief update on Project Alpha. - overview of the project - where we are now Overview of the project Why are we doing this – UX – user experience, operational efficiency savings, one source of data – understand our members/stakeholders. Where are we now? Update on current status & key activity Data Cleanse Service Streams PID / project start date Next step – Project Alpha volunteer? Try out new ways of working and report back at next staff meeting [to be approved by the Project Board]

3 Accessibility Making better places

4 Accessibility – making better places
Chair – Chris Young, Chair of CIHT West Midlands Speaker 1 - Andrew Hugill, Director of Policy and Technical Affairs, CIHT Creating Better Places Speaker 2 - James Beard, Technical Specialist in Economic and Social Development, Mott Macdonald Streets & Places Speaker 3 - Emma Taylor, Principal Consultant, Integrated Transport Planning Ltd Derby Connected – Travel Advice Service

5 Creating Better Places
Andrew Hugill, Director of Policy and Technical Affairs, CIHT

6 CIHT Learned Society themes
Accessibility and Place Resilience Delivering for people Integrating planning and transport Contribution of transport

7 Accessibility and place
Creating places are key to what we do Integrating planning and transport Inclusive and accessible - Work for all users Role of our members in place making Collaboration & engagement with a range of people and professions The idea of “place” is central to urban design and land use planning. It is about the social and cultural life of streets and spaces, the enjoyment and enrichment that comes from social interaction, rest, recreation and play in a public setting. Improved accessibility and mobility for all should be an essential objective for all policy makers, designers and providers in the built environment. Places must be accessible to all, recognising, assisting and understanding the different way people use the built environment, promoting equality of use and work for a diverse range of user needs. Giving them the ability to walk and cycle to shops, schools and leisure, provides health benefits and reduces congestion, whilst providing local businesses opportunities to grow and improve their competitiveness. When it comes to the integration of place shaping within a wider planning framework when developments (housing, commercial etc.) are being planned the accessibly of those sites should be carefully considered. This means that proximity to transport modes such as public transport and walking and cycling should be factored in as an important component to site selection. CIHT members are of key importance to the creation of successful “places”, planning, designing and building places that work for all. However beautiful or creative the appearance of a scheme, it will not succeed unless all users are provided for. The key issue is getting the right balance between “place” and “movement”. This is about using urban and street design as a means of achieving the balance that is appropriate to each context. CIHT supports the leading role played by traffic, transport and planning professionals in the already well-established field of “place making”. They contribute the necessary expertise on the transport context such as networks, services, and demand management. In addition they ensure that the technical aspects of urban realm design are dealt with, including space allocation between different users, and the dimensions of movement space for walking, cycling and the various motorised modes. Other aspects include the provision and management of parking, deliveries, and street

8 Accessibility and place – CIHT views
We need to think about how movement and place work together Highways are part of the built environment We need a golden thread of creating inclusive environments Our research and guidance helps to influence We’ll collaborate on this issue Government Professions Engage with people Dealing with uncertainty - CIHT Futures Technology CIHT advocates the ending of the practice whereby highways and streets are planned and designed simply as conduits for motorised movement. Place making is an important way of diminishing the appeal and competitiveness of car-dependent activities and locations, and thereby improving the quality of urban life and encouraging more sustainable travel. Shared space and STUE CIHT call for inclusive and universal design to create places that are open to all: everything that our profession should seek to embrace and support diversity and inclusion. CIHT calls for a golden thread of accessibility, inclusion, and diversity should run through all transport schemes. Lucy Saunders, a public health specialist said: “Places for people to stop and rest are really important for ensuring that people who have mobility issues and older people are able to go for a walk and take a rest along the way”. CIHT seek to ensure that in developing places, concepts of active design are carefully considered. There are good case studies of this internationally: from the high line in New York that is now a new public park (created by converting an old elevated railway track in lower Manhattan into a green walkway for New Yorkers) to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York that has been designed with prominent and impressive staircases to encourage people to use the stairs rather than the lifts.   The development of technology is a key area for continuing consideration. This includes both technology linked to vehicles and technology used by people to navigate around the built environment. The development of autonomous vehicles and the way they interact with other users will create a series of important questions that may contribute to the issues of inclusive environments.

9 Panel Discussion & question and answer session

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