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Lucifer / Lucifer Effect

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Presentation on theme: "Lucifer / Lucifer Effect"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lucifer / Lucifer Effect

2 Abu Ghraib prison

3 Milgram Experiment

4 Stanford Prison Experiment

5 Power without oversight = prescription for abuse

6 All evil starts with 15 volts… Initially, it’s not felt

7 - More likely to kill, torture, mutilate
The power of anonymity - More likely to kill, torture, mutilate

8 Who’s to blame? Bad apples (disposition) Bad barrels (situation)
Bad barrel makers (system)

9 7 Social Processes to Evil:
Mindlessly taking the first small step Dehumanizing others De-individualize self (anonymity) Diffusion of personal responsibility Blind obedience of authority Uncritical conformity to group norms Passive tolerance of evil through indifference

10 Heros Traditional hero: Societal (Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela, etc.)
Children’s hero: Fantasy (Superman, Spiderman, etc.) Everyday hero: must be a deviant  Everyday people doing heroic things: the man by the train… (Sociocentric vs Egocentric)

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