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Life Sentence: Exodus 33:18

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Presentation on theme: "Life Sentence: Exodus 33:18"— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Sentence: Exodus 33:18
Moses Life Sentence: Exodus 33:18 Exodus 3:1-22

2 When/where do you sense the glory of God?
How has your view of God changed over the years?



5 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. Outline things that must have rocked Moses’ world when he encountered God in (Exodus 3:1-22). a. An angel appeared to him b. The burning bush c. God called him by name d. God telling him to remove his shoes because of holy ground

6 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. Outline things that must have rocked Moses’ world when he encountered God in (Exodus 3:1-22). e. God declared who He was f. Moses states that he is not qualified to lead g. God identifies Himself stating His name as “I Am” h. God reveals His plan of deliverance to Moses

7 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. Moses must have been shaken to the core after this encounter. Have you ever been shaken to the core by God? When?

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. After your encounter with God did you continue to mature in your faith or slip back into your old life?

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. In (Exodus 33:18) Moses wanted to see more of God’s glory. He did not stop growing in his faith. What can you do to stay focused on the glory of God?

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. How is God real to you?

11 The heavens and their expanse declare the glory of God.
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What proof is offered in (Psalm 19:1-6) of God’s glory? The heavens and their expanse declare the glory of God.

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. Where have you been or what have you observed recently that made you think, “God had to have created this?”

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. How does God make Himself known to all mankind? (Romans 1:19) a. All people have a God-shaped vacuum in their hearts b. His invisible attributes are made known in creation c. His power and divinity have been clearly seen since creation

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. Moses longed to see all of God’s glory. How did God accommodate his request? (Exodus 33:19-23) He made provision for Moses to see His back because no man can see His face and live.

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. Look up the following verses and write down one word that defines God’s glory and/or holiness. a. (Exodus 15:11) Majestic b. (1 Samuel 2:2) Rock c. (Psalms 86:8-10) Incomparable

16 11. How can you bring glory to God?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. How can you bring glory to God?

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