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Case report: Popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm with arterio-venous fistula after total knee replacement MD, PhD student Leonid Magnitskiy; MD, PhD, Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "Case report: Popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm with arterio-venous fistula after total knee replacement MD, PhD student Leonid Magnitskiy; MD, PhD, Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case report: Popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm with arterio-venous fistula after total knee replacement MD, PhD student Leonid Magnitskiy; MD, PhD, Prof. Maxim Kuznetsov Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU), Department of faculty surgery №1, Moscow, Russia Introduction Preoperative angiography confirmed the large pseudoaneurism connected with popliteal vein with signs of stealing run-off vessels. Epidural anesthesia Prone position Pseudoaneurysm 7x5 cm was resected The connection between artery and vein was found and removed End-to-end anastomosis of popliteal artery and vein was successfully performed The thickening and induration of the vein wall was documented Runoff vessels were actually patent Duration of surgery - 3,5 hours The incidence of arterial complications after total knee replacement ranges from 0.017% to 0.23%, and approximately 5.67 per 10,000 cases. The annual number of total knee arthroplasty is increasing all over the world. Case report A 70-year-old female 3 years after total knee arthroplasty Past medical history of hypertension, myocardial infarction and diabetes BUT no previous history of peripheral artery disease Increasing sizes of pseudoaneurism was demonstrated during Doppler study. Chronic venous insufficiency: leg swelling, lipodermatosclerosis with circulate zone of hyperpigmentaion on the left calf (C4b). Chronic arterial insufficiency: claudication after less than meters of walking. Auscultation: pansystolic noise detected from popliteal region to groin area. Femoral, popliteal pulses were palpable, but distal pulses were absent, Doppler ankle signals were weak and of low amplitude. After surgery Distal pulses became palpable Low molecular weight heparin in therapeutic dosage - 7 days Occlusive thrombosis of popliteal vein was diagnosed on the 3 day Discharged from the hospital on 7 day after vascular surgery with prescriptions taking Rivaroxaban 20 mg once a day 3 months No further arterial complications No any venous thromboemolism events 12 months after treatment - good pulses and perfusion to the foot, leg swelling regressed, walking any distance without intermittent claudication Procedure

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