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Paediatric Dentistry IAPD 25th Congress Pre-Congress Symposium Cleft Care.

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1 Paediatric Dentistry IAPD 25th Congress Pre-Congress Symposium Cleft Care

2 Impact of a Preventive Clinic on General Anaesthetic requirements for Dental Extractions in children with cleft lip/palate. 

3 Introduction Children with cleft lip and/or palate (CLP) in the West of Scotland (WoS) have a significantly higher caries burden when compared to national data Many of these carious teeth will require extraction, either electively, or on an emergency basis It is often necessary to administer general anaesthesia to facilitate this treatment Age : Mean dmft - Cleft 3.24, NDIP Caries free – Cleft 37.2%, NDIP 57.7% Scotland 2013/14 – 98 admissions for emergency extractions, 7000 elective

4 Introduction Administering dental general anaesthesia (DGA) is associated with significant risks, including headache, sore throat, dizziness, sickness, and rarely hypoxic brain injury or death. DGA also carries material, labour and overhead costs

5 Introduction A preventive clinic was introduced in 2008 at Glasgow Dental Hospital and School Children are seen by a paediatric dentist and speech and language therapy, if required Starts with eruption of first tooth Topical fluoride varnish is also applied The aim of the clinic was to reduce the caries burden for children with CLP and to facilitate comprehensive care

6 Aim The aim of this audit was to assess whether the introduction of the preventive clinic had any impact on the requirements for DGA by the age of 5 in children with CLP in the WoS.

7 Methods Two cohorts of children (one born in 2002, the other in 2007) in the WoS CLP service were selected from the Cleft Care Scotland Database A retrospective case note analysis was performed to assess DGA requirements up to and including the age of 5 The postcode of the parents/carers’ home was entered into the 2012 version of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) ‘lookup’ file to allow the degree of deprivation to be analysed Statistical analysis was performed using the Chi squared test. Cohort born in 2002 received all their care before the introduction of the preventive clinic. Cohort born in 2007 received all their care after the introduction of the preventive clinic.

8 Results 2002 Cohort 48 Children 7 not analysed 41 (85.4%) analysed
4 Casenotes not available 2 No dental input 1 Emigrated

9 Results 2002 Cohort 41 Analysed SIMD 1 (most deprived) 7 SIMD 2 12
8 SIMD 5 (least deprived) 11 No SIMD data (England postcode) 1

10 2002 Cohort - DGA requirements by SIMD
Results 2002 Cohort - DGA requirements by SIMD SIMD 1 SIMD 2 SIMD 3 SIMD 4 SIMD 5 DGA 2 6 1 4 No DGA 5 7 p = 0.164

11 Results 2002 Cohort - DGA requirements by SIMD SIMD 1 SIMD 2 SIMD 3
DGA for exodontia only 2 1 DGA for comprehensive care 4 3 p = 0.497

12 Results 2007 Cohort 55 Children 10 not analysed 45 (81.8%) analysed
3 Casenotes not available 5 No dental input 2 Lost to follow up

13 Results 2007 Cohort 41 Analysed SIMD 1 (most deprived) 10 SIMD 2 14
3 SIMD 5 (least deprived) 8

14 2007 Cohort - DGA requirements by SIMD
Results 2007 Cohort - DGA requirements by SIMD SIMD 1 SIMD 2 SIMD 3 SIMD 4 SIMD 5 DGA 3 4 No DGA 7 10 8 p = 0.123 Not statistically significant, but all DGA administered to SIMD 1 and 2 (2 most deprived quintiles)

15 Results 2007 Cohort - DGA requirements by SIMD SIMD 1 SIMD 2 SIMD 3
DGA for exodontia only DGA for comprehensive care 3 4 Numbers too few to calculate p value p value N/A

16 Inter-Cohort - DGA requirements
Results Inter-Cohort - DGA requirements 2002 2007 DGA 15 7 No DGA 26 38 p = 0.026 Significant difference in the DGA requirements between the 2002 and 2007 cohorts

17 Results Inter-Cohort - DGA requirements 2002 2007
DGA for exodontia only 5 DGA for comprehensive care 10 7 Not statistically significant, but all DGA in 2007 cohort is for comprehensive care p value 0.082

18 Discussion First study to demonstrate reduction in DGA requirements after the introduction of a preventive type clinic Limited to West of Scotland only Comparatively low numbers affect statistical significance Does not take into account exodontia under emergency admissions Childsmile programme started in 2008 Drop in hospital admissions for paediatric dental extractions in Scotland: 9300 in 2006/7, 8000 in 2007/8, 7500 in 2008/9, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 7000 in 2012/13, 2013/14. Would expect more of a drop in national figures if Childsmile was responsible.

19 Conclusions Significant reduction in DGA requirements since the introduction of the preventive clinic No DGA for exodontia only since the introduction of the preventive clinic Prospective studies in this area are required

20 References Britton KFM, Welbury RR. Dental caries prevalence in children with cleft lip/palate aged between 6 months and 6 years in the West of Scotland. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 2010; 11(5): Davies C, Harrison M, Roberts G. Guideline for the Use of General Anaesthesia (GA) in Paediatric Dentistry. RCSEng 2008 ISD Scotland. Hospital Care Data Tables. Available at: Care/Publications/data-tables.asp The Scottish Government. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. Available at:

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