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What does that mean? In general there are two aspects:

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Presentation on theme: "What does that mean? In general there are two aspects:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does that mean? In general there are two aspects:
how data will be organized in computer memory what will be the operations that will be performed with them

2 Data organization The basic possibilities are to store data either in arrays: or to link them with pointers:

3 Some types of “linked objects”
Linked lists: Double-linked lists:

4 Some types of “linked objects”

5 Implementation of linked lists
Key Pointer 1

6 Implementation of binary trees
Key Pointer 1 Pointer 2

7 Implementation of general trees

8 Operations with data structures
Dynamic Dictionaries LookUp(Key) Insert(Key) Delete(Key) Make() Priority Queues Min() ExtractMin() DecreaseKey(Key) Insert(Key) Delete(Key) Make() Other popular operations with data structures - unify elements of 2 data structures into one (Union, Meld, )

9 Stacks Operations MakeStack() Push(Key,S) Pop(S) IsEmpty(S)
[Picture from J.Morris]

10 LIFO Stacks Operations MakeStack() Push(Key,S) Pop(S) IsEmpty(S)
Last - in - first - out

11 Stacks - MakeStack, Push
struct Cell{int Key, pointer Next} struct Stack{pointer Head} procedure MakeStack(): S  new Stack S.Head  0 return S procedure Push(int Key, Stack S): C  new Cell C.Next  S.Head C.Key  Key S.Head  C

12 Stacks - Pop, IsEmpty procedure Pop(Stack S): C  S.Head Key  C.Key
S.Head  C.Next delete C return Key procedure IsEmpty(Stack S): if S.Head  0 then return 0 else return 1

13 FIFO Queues Operations MakeQueue() Enqueue(Key,Q)
First - in - first - out Operations MakeQueue() Enqueue(Key,Q) Dequeue(Q) IsEmpty(Q)

14 Queues - MakeQueue struct Cell{int Key, pointer Next}
struct Queue{pointer Head, pointer Tail} procedure MakeQueue(): Q  new Queue Q.Head  0 Q.Tail  0 return Q

15 Queues - Enqueue procedure Enqueue(int Key, Queue Q): C  new Cell
C.Next  0 C.Key  Key if Q.Head = 0 then Q.Head  C else Tail  Q.Tail Tail.Next  C Q.Tail  C

16 Queues - Dequeue, IsEmpty
procedure Dequeue(Queue Q): C  Q.Head Key  C.Key Q.Head  C.Next if Q.Head = 0 then Q.Tail  0 delete C return Key procedure IsEmpty(Queue Q): if Q.Head  0 then return 0 else return 1

17 Heaps They are binary trees with all levels completed, except
the lowest one which may have uncompleted section on the right side They satisfy so called Heap Property - for each subtree of heap the key for the root of subtree must not exceed the keys of its (left and right) children

18 Heaps - Examples This may be Heap

19 Heaps - Examples This may be Heap

20 Heaps - Examples This can not be Heap

21 Heaps - Examples This can not be Heap

22 Heaps - Examples This is Heap 1 2 12 3 45 13 14

23 Heaps - Examples This is not Heap 1 2 12 3 45 5 14

24 Heaps - Operations Min() ExtractMin() DecreaseKey(Key) Insert(Key)
Delete(Key) MakeHeap() Heapify() InitialiseHeap()

25 Heaps - Relation between size and height
Theorem For heap with n elements the height h of the corresponding binary tree is log n, i.e. h = (log n)

26 Heaps - Implementation with an array
1 LC(j) = 2j – n – 1 RC(j) = 2j – n – 2 2 12 P(j) = 1 + (j + n)/2 3 45 13 13 45 3 12 2 1

27 Heaps - Implementation with an array
[Adapted from T.Cormen, C.Leiserson, R. Rivest]

28 Heaps - Insert 2 3 12 7 45 13 1 T(n) = (h) = (log n)

29 Heaps - Delete 2 3 12 7 45 13 14 T(n) = (h) = (log n)

30 Heaps - ExtractMin 1 3 12 7 45 13 14 T(n) = (h) = (log n)

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