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Models of the Earth California Standards: IE.1a, 1d, 1g, 1h

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Presentation on theme: "Models of the Earth California Standards: IE.1a, 1d, 1g, 1h"— Presentation transcript:

1 Models of the Earth California Standards: IE.1a, 1d, 1g, 1h

2 Finding your way around
You can find your self, no pun intended, by knowing the longitude and latitude of the location you’re at.

3 Finding yourself North or South
The line that determines how far north or south of the equator you are, are called parallels. The parallels run parallel to the equator.

4 The distance north or south of the equator is called the latitude.
The latitudes can be 0 degree, 15 degrees, 30 degree, 45 degrees, north or south of the equator. Or they can be 3 degrees, 18 degrees, 78 degrees N or S of the equator.

5 N or S of the Equator 30o N latitude 60o S latitude

6 Finding yourself E or W Meridians are lines that go from the N pole to the S pole. Prime Meridian is zero longitude and everything east of the prime meridian is E and everything west of the prime meridian is W. Easy?

7 Prime Meridian and Greenwich, England.

8 Point F; 30o N latitude and 60o E longitude.
Point G; 30o S latitude and 60o W longitude.

9 Map Projections Cylindrical Projection Azimuthal Projection
Conic Projection

10 Cylindrical Projections
Have straight lines N and S Accurate near the equator but distorts the distances poles. Location of position easier. Shapes of smaller objects well preserved.

11 Cylindrical Projections

12 Azimuthal Projections
Little distortion at point of contact. Used by navigators in plotting routes in air travel. Used to show the shortest distance between two points on the globe.

13 Azimuthal Projections

14 Azimuthal Projections

15 Great Circle A B

16 Conic Projections The axis of the cone aligns with the axis of the globe. Cone touches the parallel at one parallel of latitude. Used to increase accuracy of mapping. Size and shape of small areas the same.

17 Conic Projections

18 Topographic Maps Topographic maps, or topo maps, are the most widely used maps. Topographic maps show surface features such as mountains, roads, valleys, rivers, etc. A topo map shows elevation or the height above sea level.

19 The advantage of topo maps is that they provide more detailed information about the surface of the land. Topo maps uses contour lines to show points of equal elevation. These lines are called isograms. The distance between two contour lines is called the contour interval.

20 The relief of a topo map is the difference between the highest and lowest points being shown.
A index contour is the isogram that has a given elevation associated with it. The contour interval may be 5 m, 20 m, or 150 m.


22 Index Contour elevation? _______
Contour Interval? ____________


24 Other types of maps Geologic maps show the distribution of geologic features such as faults, types of rocks, etc. Soil maps classify soils based upon soil surveys. The U.S. Department of Agriculture uses these maps extensively.

25 Geologic Map of California

26 The End

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