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Original data sources Panel a | Atlas of MS msif

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1 Original data sources Panel a | Atlas of MS 2013. https://www. msif
Original data sources Panel a | Atlas of MS uploads/2014/09/Atlas-of-MS.pdf Panel b | Patterson, C. et al. Diabetes in the young — a global view and worldwide estimates of numbers of children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. 103, 161–175. Panel c | Global tuberculosis report eam/10665/250441/1/ eng.pdf?ua=1 Panel d | Screening for hepatitis during the domestic medical examination for newly arrived refugees. Panel e | Caisse des\ Français de l’Étranger. votre-sante/guidespatho.php?id=126 [French] Panel f | International Monetary Fund. World Economic Outlook Database.

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