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Presentation on theme: "MOTIVATOR FOR MODERN EDUCATION Assoc. Prof. Diana Popova, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

ICT MOTIVATOR FOR MODERN EDUCATION Assoc. Prof. Diana Popova, Ph.D. Project No LVO2-KA

2 How do you feel about using ICT tools and software in your teaching?

3 ICT in Education

4 Bulgarian ICT National Strategy
Strategy for Development and Effective Implementation of ICT in Education and Science – ; Ambitious goals for educational institutions; Over 70 concrete measures; Developed by experts from universities, schools, businesses, NGOs and government administration.

5 Main focuses Infrastructure/Hardware Teaching/Learning Content (mostly digital) Changes in the regulatory framework and implementation of management systems

6 Stages and Results First stage (short-term goals – ) – Key Investments Network linking regional inspectorates, universities and research centers; National cloud ICT infrastructure for education and science; Backup center for data storage, processing and provision of services; WiFi infrastructure in educational institutions and research centers; National e-learning platform for learning and content management; Regulatory framework for digital content and ICT competences; Piloting an integrated management system in schools and universities; Educational portal and electronic handbooks for all natural sciences.

7 Stages and Results Second stage (medium-term goals– 2016- 2017)
Sustainable optical or high-speed connectivity to educational institutions; Teaching/learning with mobile devices – m-learning Integrated national educational information and management system; Digital platform for video learning, teleconferencing and research; Regional resource centers for data and content; Electronic handbooks with interactive content for all comprehensive subjects.

8 Stages and Results Third stage (long-term goals – 2018-2020
Unified learning environment (u-learning); Transition to electronic textbooks in all subjects; Virtual classrooms and laboratories; National system for online exams and external evaluation; Automation of quality assessment in education and research; Open and universal access to educational and scientific resources.

9 Good Practices at BFU Blended Learning (BL)– a combination of traditional and e-learning.

10 Definition of BL Formal education programme in which students learn: At least in part through online learning, with some element of student control over time, place, path and pace; At least in part in a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home; And have integrated learning experience.

11 Characteristics & Advantages of BL
Traditional classroom activities combined with online activities through Internet-based learning platforms; Learning content on the Internet; Remote interaction with learners; Forums; Exchange of digital content; Integrative, interactive and holistic approach; Develops personal and social skills; Develops skills for life-long learning.

12 Characteristics & Advantages of BL
Affirms learning as a social activity;   Creation of learner communities;   More time for interactive classroom activities; Self-learning skills and autonomous learning; Addresses learners’ individual characteristics – pace of learning, cognitive abilities, preferred learning styles, etc. Optimizes the use of ICT.

13 ICT at BFU ICT Courses: Information Technologies
Multimedia technologies All courses taught at BFU are on the Moodle platform.

14 The 'Flipped Classroom'

15 What is it? A reversal of traditional teaching where students gain first exposure to new material: outside the classroom, via reading or lecture videos, and classroom time is used for problem-solving, discussions or debates.

16 Increases student engagement; Enhances the use of technology;
The Flipped Classroom Increases student engagement; Enhances the use of technology; Provides greater opportunities for active learning in the traditional classroom.

17 ICT and the Flipped Classroom
Technology supports the Flipped Classroom through: Capture content (scanning a document and saving it as a digital image) for students to access at their own convenience and to suit their pace of learning (lectures, readings, interactive multimedia, etc.); Curate content (finding, grouping, organizing and sharing relevant content online) for students to gather their own resources. Present learning materials in a variety of formats to suit different learner styles and multimodal learning (e.g. text, videos, audio, multimedia)

18 University Center for Distance Learning
Course category: Continuing Education Course title: Business Correspondence Course author: Assoc. Prof. Diana Popova, Ph.D.

19 The Future…?

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