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Meat Processing Technology

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1 Meat Processing Technology
Making sausage ( Grading meat (

2 Quiz (Bahasa or English)
Differences between chilling and freezing? What are the specific parameter for meat quality? Level of steak cooking (Level of doneness)? Mention example of meat products that you know? Differences between tendon and ligament?

3 Comminuted meat products
Comminution is mechanical reduction of meat particles to become the end products of meat. Purposes of comminution: improving the uniformity of meat particles and more even distribution of ingredients. The process of meat comminution: grinding, chopping, slicing.

4 Code of practice of meat processing
Grinding is the process of making the meat particle size smaller, so that the meat particles can be homogenously mixed. Mixing is the process of mixing ground meat with water and other functional ingredients (salts and additives) as well as extender (fillers and binders). Stuffing is the process of putting sausage dough into casing, cans, and other casing materials. Heat treatment is the cooking process of sausages, including steaming and smoking.

5 Grinding Grinding will soften the meat texture so that it is easier to be reshaped into different shapes. Grinding will ease the mixing of additives, flavor enhancer, spices, and flavor ingredients. Grinding will speed up the process of cooking.

6 Grinder The main components for grinder: screw feed, plate, and knife.
The distance between the knife and plate determines the size of the particle. The plate hole size will determines the diameter of meat pellet.

7 Meat grinder

8 Bowl chopper (mixer) The main components of bowl chopper are bowl spinning horizontally and knife spinning vertically. Factors affecting chopping results is the speed of bowl and knife, and knife sharpness. Temperature will increase during the process of chopping (10-20oC) for min.

9 Bowl chopper (Mixer)

10 Stuffer The main components of stuffer are stuffer chamber, piston, and stuffer horn. The shape and size of product depend on the types and sizes of the casing used. There are 3 types of stuffer, namely piston, pump, and combination of piston and pump.

11 Stuffer

12 Meat Emulsion

13 Komponen emulsi Muscle fiber Connective tissue fibers Fat particles
Water-soluble protein (sarcoplasmic proteins) Salt-soluble protein (myofibrilar proteins) Water

14 Factors affecting the stability of emulsion
Temperature during the formation of emulsion Size of fat particles pH of mixture Amount and types of soluble protein Viscosity of mixture.

15 Temperature during emulsion formation
The process of emulsion formation generates heat. Increased heat will cause fat to melt and protein to denaturate. Unstable emulsion will separate when further heat processing is carried out. The maximum temperature of final emulsion: chicken (15-16oC), pork (20-21oC), and beef (26-27oC).

16 Size of fat particles During the process of emulsion formation, the size of the fat particles will keep becoming smaller until emulsion is formed. Smaller particle size results in wider surface, requiring more protein to emulsify fats Over chopping causes protein to be unable to cover all the fat particle.

17 Amount and types of soluble proteins
Factors that affect: species, muscle locations, animal age. Poultry meat proteins have a better binding ability compared to those of red meat. Salt-soluble proteins (myofibril proteins) have the biggest contribution to the stability of emulsion.

18 Sausage ingredients Meat – based on fat/protein content, and meat water/protein. Water – added in the form of cold (ice) water during chopping. Curing agents - salt, sodium nitrite or sodium nitrate and sugar. Seasonings – spices like black pepper, herbs, garlic, onion, and flavor enhancer.

19 Sausage ingredients Extender – consisting of fillers dan binders.
Other additives - liquid smoke,

20 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Fat content of meat is the amount of meat fat measured in a laboratory (AOAC). Ground beef is fresh/frozen ground beef with a maximum fat content of 30% of the product weight. Lean finely-ground beef is ground beef with a maximum fat content of 22% of the product weight.

21 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Extra-lean finely-ground beef is ground beef with a maximum fat content of 16% of the product weight. Hamburger is finely-ground beef with a maximum fat content of 30%, corn syrup solids, flavor and spices ≤ 2% of the end product.

22 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Meat patty is a product of finely-ground beef with a maximum fat content of 30% of the product weight, a maximum extender content of 10% (dry weight), able to contain water, a maximum corn syrup solids of 2% of the product weight.

23 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Fabricated steak or reformed steak is a product of fabricated, reformed meat, comminuted ground meat with a maximum fat content of 30% of the end product weight, without extender, binder, yet it can be added with hydrolized vegetables protein or flavor enhancer/spices.

24 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Fresh beef sausage is a product of coarsely/finely ground beef with a maximum fat content of 30% of the product weight; flavor enhancer and water, or ice can be added with a maximum amount of 3% of the total ingredient.

25 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Breakfast sausage is a product of coarsely/finely ground beef and byproducts of meat with a maximum fat content of 50% of the end product weight; flavor enhancer and water or ice can be added with a maximum amount of 3% of the total ingredients, and a maximum extender of 3,5% of the product weight.

26 Definition of meat, meat products and additives
Barbeque of beef, pork, and such like is a meat product cooked with dry-heat method in certain period until the product characteristics including the formation of browning and melting surface fats; can be added with sauce during cooking.

27 Restructured meat Meat restructuring is the process of restructuring secondary carcass into some form with added values, with affordable price, having the characteristics like common steak and meat

28 Restructured meat Products from carcass 25% are usually used for steak products, the remaining is for ground products such as hamburger, and sausage.

29 Methods of meat restructuring
Flaking and forming Grinding and forming Sectioning and forming Combination of the three methods

30 Types of comminuted products
Hamburger Sausages Nuggets Meat loaf Corned beef

31 Meat quality I Meat of quality I: tenderloin, sirloin, cub roll.
The meat color is light red (score 1-5) The fat color is white (score 1-3) Marbling score 9-12 Soft texture

32 Meat quality II Meat of quality II: rump, round, topside, silverside, chuck and blade). The meat color is dark red (score 6-7) The fat color is yellowish white (score 4-6) Marbling score 5-8 Medium texture

33 Microbiological requirements of meat
Total plate count (max. 106 cfu/g) Total coliform (max. 102 cfu/g) Total Streptococcus aureus (max. 102 cfu/g) Salmonella sp. (Negative per 25g) Escherichia coli (max. 101 cfu/g) Jadi penasaran nanya. Kok di google Streptococcus aureus nemunya semua Staphylococcus aureus ya? :D

34 Meat quality III Meat of quality III: shank, rib, flank, and brisket.
The meat color is dark red (score 8-9) The fat color is yellow white (score 7-9) Marbling score 1-4 Coarse texture

35 Requirements of chemical quality of sausage
Water (max. 67,7%) Ash (max. 3,0%) Proteins (min. 13,0%) Fats (max. 25,0%) Carbohydrate (max. 8,0%)

36 Microbiological requirements of sausage
Total plate count (max. 105 colony/g) Total coliform (max. 10 AMP/g) Escherichia coli (max. <3 AMP/g) Enterococci (max. 102 colony/g) Clostridium perfringens (Negative) Salmonella sp. (Negative) Streptococcus aureus (max. 102 colony/g)

37 Requirements of metal contamination of sausage
Copper (max. 20 mg/kg) Zinc (max. 40 mg/kg) Lead (max. 40 mg/kg) Mercury (max. 0,03 mg/kg) Arsenic (max. 0,1 mg/kg)

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