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Presented by Seluvaia Finaulahi

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1 Presented by Seluvaia Finaulahi
WMO Training Development Workshop for Regional Training Institutions in WMO RA II and RA V, 28 August 2017, Melbourne  Presented by Seluvaia Finaulahi

2 Refresher training for Seasonal Prediction (SCOPIC) and Drought monitoring
To provide efficient climate services to various societal sectors To build the capacity of TMS and to have the understanding and the knowledge that there are gaps between the existing climate information or products available and the requirement by these various sectors. To develop capacity in the field of seasonal prediction and climate services as it is also a requirement of the Global Framework of Climate services (GFCS).

3 Key learning outcomes intended from the training.
Generate seasonal prediction and provide climate information to end users. Analyze and interpret the climate products Understand and interpret the drought monitoring tool in SCOPIC and produce drought information and advisories Be able to customize SCOPIC report output with more user-friendly language. Write & formulate interpretation of climate products for different stakeholders

4 learning solutions Short classroom course: Classroom training have time to focus on practical exercises. On the job training: Good if there is not enough staff Self-directed – Where the trainee is given study material then have assessment or test at a later time.

5 learning assessment plan
Stakeholders (Before the course) Stakeholders will be allowed a one day workshop to assess and understand their specific requirements and they will be briefed about meteorological terminology related to TMS products. A user survey questionnaire will be given to them as an assessment after a few products is made available.

6 learning assessment plan cont
TMS. Conduct an initial assessment, this will be part of a training needs analysis to find out where the trainees are in terms of knowledge of the training topic. An activity to assess learning: Here the trainee is to do a presentation on a seasonal prediction to the remaining staff during a staff meeting. Comments, feedback or ask questions. Products to be evaluated: Seasonal rainfall outlook. At the end of the training the participant is able to produce a rainfall outlook and presented in a simple less technical terms.

7 Challenges will be in implementing your plan
Planning Management Resources

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