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How We See Color.

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1 How We See Color

2 Color is derived from Reflected Light.
White light from the sun is actually a combination of all colors. When light passes through a prism, a wedge-shaped glass, the beam of light bends and separates into bands of color, called the Color Spectrum. A Rainbow is a natural example of the color spectrum, because light passing through water causes the same effect.

3 Hue: name of a color in the color spectrum
Color has 3 properties: Hue: name of a color in the color spectrum Value: lightness or darkness of a color Intensity: the brightness or dullness of a hue The color wheel organizes the hues of the color spectrum. It is actually the spectrum bent into a circle. We will be working with a 12-color wheel which consists of : 3 Primaries 3 Secondaries 6 Intermediates

4 The color wheel helps us organize the hues into specific families.
Color Families The color wheel helps us organize the hues into specific families. The first family is the PRIMARY COLORS: Red, Yellow and Blue. You cannot make these colors, but through combinations of them and with black and white you can produce EVERY other color.

The next color family is the SECONDARY COLORS: The primaries mixed in equal parts create the secondaries: R + Y = ORANGE Y + B = GREEN R + B = VIOLET

6 The third color family is INTERMEDIATE or TERTIARY COLORS and are created by mixing a primary with it’s secondary. R + O = RED-ORANGE R + V = RED-VIOLET B + G = BLUE-GREEN B + V = BLUE-VIOLET Y + G = YELLOW-GREEN Y + O = YELLOW-ORANGE

7 Another color family is created by the COMPLEMENTARY COLORS
Another color family is created by the COMPLEMENTARY COLORS. These colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. Robert Holman. La Sera I When COMPLEMENTARIES are placed closely together in a composition they create the strongest contrast of a hue. Artists use them in Optical Illusion artwork to create “visual vibration.”

8 The color family ANALOGOUS COLORS are created from colors of a common hue that sit side by side on the color wheel usually 3-4 hues. Analogous colors are related. ANALOGOUS COLORS are commonly used to create a design that ties one shape to the next through a common color. The color family WARM/COOL COLORS are created by splitting the color wheel in half diagonally. They are used to create temperature or mood in artwork. WARM COLORS seem to move toward the viewer and COOL COLORS seem to recede, or move away.

9 Analogous Color Painting
Warm Color Painting Cool Color Painting .

10 Monochromatic - are all of the values (tints, tones, and shades) of a single hue

11 Monochromatic (cont.) LIGHT = WHITE = TINT
ABSENCE OF LIGHT = BLACK = SHADE Richard E. Adams. Animal Interior Still Life. Acrylic Painting

12 You will: YOU WILL watch both color theory demo videos, then complete both painting exercise handouts. a. You will create the color wheel by mixing primary colors to make the secondary's and intermediates b. Next, work on the color scales handout where you will complete a monochromatic scale, analogous scale, and an intensity scale. Be sure to read the instructions. c. Image replication/transfer demos:

1. select an image on your computer to recreate in the style of Andy Warhol. - You will recreate this image four different times. 2. use 4 of the 5 color families in your work. - monochromatic, analogous, warm, cool, complementary 3. create a color sketch of your configuration before advancing to the final project. This can be done in your sketchbook. I will provide you with your paper once you’ve completed all exercises and I’ve seen your color sketches.

14 You will be graded on: Your use of the media Design Layout/Composition
Ask yourself questions like, does this look streaky? Is this color the right hue?, etc. Design Layout/Composition Ask yourself questions like, does this image fill the page? Is it interesting to look at? Use of color families Ask: do these colors belong in a specific color family? Did I use at least 4 color families? Craftsmanship Ask: does this painting look messy at all? Are the edges of my design crisp and clean? Is my project bent?, etc.

15 Pop Art Is an art movement that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States. Challenged traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture. Pop art employs aspects of mass culture, such as advertising, comic books and mundane cultural objects Can be simplified by areas of flat even color. Important Pop Artists: Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol

16 Repeated image in Pop Art Style





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