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Faith to Unite Lesson 5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,

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1 Faith to Unite Lesson 5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing,
part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Faith to Unite Lesson 5

2 Lesson Outline Introduction A. A House Divided B. Lesson Background
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Introduction A. A House Divided B. Lesson Background

3 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A House Divided On June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln delivered a famous political speech. Now known as the “House Divided” speech, Lincoln argued that America could not prosper until all states agreed on the topic of slavery. The statement that “a house divided against itself cannot stand” is one of the most famous quotes in U.S. history. Item number: Collection: / Hemera / Thinkstock® Graphic: © / Hemera / Thinkstock®

4 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A House Divided This statement is taken from the words of Jesus (Matthew 12:25; Mark 3:25). It reflects an important theme that appears throughout Scripture. Nothing can be accomplished without a unified effort. Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus about that type of unity. Graphic: © / Hemera / Thinkstock®

5 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline I. Reason for Unity (Ephesians 4:1-6) A. Worthy of the Calling (vv. 1-3) B. Nature of Our Faith (vv. 4-6)

6 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Paul wrote to the first churches, urging believers to be united with one another. Read the following passages from Paul’s writings and discuss the basics of Christian unity. Item number: Collection: Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock® Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

7 A Church United Reason for Unity
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Reason for Unity What characteristics of our lifestyle demonstrate that we seek the unity worthy of the name “Christian”? Compare Ephesians 4:1-3 and Philippians 1:27; 2:1-4. We show we are one in Jesus by showing that the humble nature of Jesus rules us. Click to add notes Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

8 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How might the characteristics listed in Ephesians 4:2 reveal themselves as we work in unity? Talking Points for Your Discussion Examples of things said and not said Examples of things done and not done Examples of nonverbal body language 8

9 A Church United Reason for Unity
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Reason for Unity How does unity among believers demonstrate key truths of our faith? Compare Ephesians 4:4-6 and John 17:20-23. We share one faith because we worship the one and only God. When we are one, we show that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are one and that Jesus was sent by God. Click to add notes Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

10 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What reminders of common ground in Jesus have helped you defuse conflict? Talking Points for Your Discussion Concerning silent reminders to ourselves Concerning audible or visible reminders to ourselves Concerning reminders to others 10

11 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline II. Means to Attain Unity (Ephesians 4:7-11) A. Through Differences (vv. 7-10) B. Through Leadership (v. 11)

12 A Church United Means of Attaining Unity
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Means of Attaining Unity What is the difference between expectations of unity and expectations of uniformity in the church? Compare Ephesians 4:7-10; Romans 12:6a; 1 Corinthians 12:11. Christian unity is not achieved by being the same, but by allowing God to make us different! Click to add notes Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

13 A Church United Means of Attaining Unity
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Means of Attaining Unity What role does leadership play in attaining unity? Compare Ephesians 4:11 and Romans 12:6b-8. Those differing gifts allow us both to serve one another and to lead one another in our shared faith. Click to add notes Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

14 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? How should awareness of the source of spiritual gifts affect how we relate to one another? Talking Points for Your Discussion Through prayer Through service Through speech patterns 14

15 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline III. Results of Unity (Ephesians 4:12-16) A. Mature to Serve (vv. 12, 13) B. Grounded to Stand (v. 14) C. Truthful to Love (vv. 15, 16)

16 A Church United Results of Unity How does unity fight evil?
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Results of Unity How does unity fight evil? Compare Ephesians 4:12-14 and Romans 12:21. When we are taught the truth, we are no longer divided by the evil one. Knowing what is right and good overcomes that which is evil. Click to add notes Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

17 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What are some appropriate ways to respond after being blessed by another’s faithful use of spiritual gifts? Talking Points for Your Discussion In private discussion with him or her In public 17

18 A Church United Results of Unity
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock A Church United Results of Unity Why is love crucial for Christian unity? Compare Ephesians 4:15, 16 and 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; 13:13. Love builds us up. Love is what unifies all of God’s gifts, making it the greatest gift of all. Click to add notes Graphic: © Medioimages/Photodisc / Thinkstock®

19 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock What Do You Think? What are some practical ways to keep truth and love balanced in our interactions? Talking Points for Your Discussion Identifying times when truth is expressed in unloving ways Identifying times when love is expressed in such a way that truth is eclipsed 19

20 Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Lesson Outline Conclusion A. Growth and Health B. Prayer C. Thought to Remember

21 An Enemy Within Us God desires unity in the church.
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock An Enemy Within Us God desires unity in the church. But our enemy, Satan, is constantly looking for an inroad into our hearts in order to disrupt that unity. Look at the following groups of attitudes. Prescribe some ways individuals and churches can overcome these roadblocks to unity. Item number: Collection: Zoonar / Thinkstock® Graphic: © Zoonar / Thinkstock®

22 An Enemy Within Us “Me First” Roadblocks PRIDE (Look what I have!)
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock An Enemy Within Us “Me First” Roadblocks PRIDE (Look what I have!) SELFISHNESS (I’m keeping it!) ARROGANCE (Look how great I am!) COMFORT (I like the way things are!) Click to add notes Graphic: © Zoonar / Thinkstock®

23 An Enemy Within Us “Who Cares?” Roadblocks
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock An Enemy Within Us “Who Cares?” Roadblocks LAZINESS (Why should I do anything?) INDIFFERENCE (That’s your problem!) RESENTMENT (You should be helping me!) STUBBORNNESS (I’m not changing!) Click to add notes Graphic: © Zoonar / Thinkstock®

24 An Enemy Within Us “Why Me?” Roadblocks
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock An Enemy Within Us “Why Me?” Roadblocks ANGER (Everyone is against me!) FEAR (Trouble is coming, I just know it!) INSECURITY (I’m not good enough!) CONDEMNATION (But I’m better than you!) Click to add notes

25 Horizontal Visual Display this visual as you lead in prayer for unity in the church.

26 Thought to Remember “United we stand, divided we fall.”
Copyright © 2017 Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Thought to Remember “United we stand, divided we fall.” 

27 A Sincere FAITH Next Week’s Lesson Copyright © 2017
Standard Publishing, part of the David C Cook family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918 All rights reserved. Photo: © joebelanger | iStock Next Week’s Lesson A Sincere FAITH

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