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My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 4 Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 4 Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 4 Vocabulary
Disarm- Peered- Muzzle- Churning- Clambering- Commissary- Stock-

2 Create a Puzzle Go to Create a crossword puzzle, a word search, or double puzzle using the Chapter 4 vocabulary from the novel My Brother Sam is Dead. Trade puzzles with a classmate and solve.

3 My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 4 Discussion Questions
Why did the Soldiers come after Father? What does his father do that makes Tim realize why Sam is so stubborn? What happens at the tavern to make Tim realize the “war had finally come to Redding”?

4 My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 4 Discussion Questions
Why does Tim clamber over stone fences to reach Tom Warrups’ shack? How does Tim threaten Sam? Why did he do that? Why couldn’t Sam explain to the Continentals that he had the Meekers’ Brown Bess?

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