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Networking Public Wifi and Print Sharing

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1 Networking Public Wifi and Print Sharing
2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

2 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
The Danger See articles/videos in next slide The ease of use of hacking tools is now such that any bored teenager in a public library can use them. It is easy to steal user IDs and passwords even on secure connections, when connected via Public wifi. 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

3 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Articles/Videos Man in the Middle attack demonstration r-demonstrates-risks-of-using-public-wi- fi /heres-what-an-eavesdropper-sees- when-you-use-an-unsecured-wi-fi- hotspot.html Man in the Middle attack theory 2016 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

4 My network is secure so windows print sharing is ok – NOT GUARANTEED!
Very likely that there will be no issues Security breaches are very low probability. “Security by Obscurity” works – in general. If an event occurs the consequences of a breach is high and negative. Huge workload for local volunteers identifying and notifying affected Taxpayers If publicized then very negative for program 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

5 Alternatives to Windows print sharing
Use one computer as a print server only If you only have a USB printer, there are wireless routers that have a USB port in addition to Ethernet ports. This allows the computers to access the printer wirlessly. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

6 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
“My Network is Secure” Multi-layered security Secure router based network Up to date on Windows Update Microsoft Security Essentials (7), Defender (10), or better 3rd party anti-malware. No File or Print Sharing No use of computers for anything other than Tax Prep. (No downloaded games or widespread browsing) Attachment to network of non-Tax Prep, or personal computers for Tax Prep are our biggest single risk. If possible do not do it. Violation of any of these brings risk 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

7 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Windows Print Sharing Opens up a sharing connection among networked systems If a single system becomes infected, all systems become infected – this has generally been true over PC history. WannaCry ransomware used the print sharing Ports as a distribution method. ( (SMB Port 445 and Port 139) Petya wiper malware also used the sharing ports ( wiper-malware.html) Using Print Sharing unnecessarily increases our security risks. All security involves a convenience/simplicity vs enhanced security trade off. 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

8 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas
Questions ??? 2017 TCS SMT Training - Dallas

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