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5th Grade Social Studies The United States, Canada, and Latin America

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1 5th Grade Social Studies The United States, Canada, and Latin America
By: Pamela Curtin

2 Goals To Develop geographic, economic, and social/cultural understandings. To build on and reinforce historic and political content from the 4th grade.

3 Social Studies Standards
History of the United States and New York World History Geography Economics Civics, Citizenship, and Government

4 History of the United States, Canada, and Latin America
Different ethnic, national, and religious groups Different perspectives Migration Connections and exchanges Key turning points and events in the histories Important historic figures and groups Industrial growth and urbanization and the impacts Concepts/Themes: Culture Empathy Interdependence Change Identity

5 Different ethnic national and religious groups
Locate and describe people of diverse ethnic and religious cultures. Learn about Cultural Diffusion Standards: History of the United States and New York World History Economics

6 Connection and Exchanges
Learn about the trade that existed between the regions and each other or other regions. Examine the exchanges (What were they?) Make connections Standards: History of the United States and New York World History Economics

7 The Geography of the United States, Canada and Latin America
Gather geographic representations to process and report information. Political boundaries change over time and place. Key concept: Places and Regions

8 Different geographical processes shaped the physical environments.
Analyzing the Western Hemisphere. Key concept: Physical Systems The physical and human characteristics of places. Key concept: Human Systems

9 Culture and experience
Key concept: Environment and Society Characteristics, distribution, and complexity of cultures. Human actions modify physical environments. Key concept: Human Systems Social Studies Standard 3: Geography

10 The economies of the United States, Canada, and Latin American nations
Scarcity, supply & demand, economic markets, opportunity costs, resources, productivity, economic growth utilizing scarce capital, natural, and human resources Types and availability of resources for economic development Countries interdependence for resources Decisions concerning production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services

11 The economies of the United States, Canada, and Latin American nations cont.
Science and technology’s influence on standard of living How exchanges of technologies, plants, animals, and diseases between and among nations influence life Form organizations and make agreements to promote economic growth and development Concepts Economic systems Needs and wants Factors of production Interdependence Technology

12 The governments of the United States, Canada, and Latin American nations
the people of the Western Hemisphere Rights for US, Canada, Latin America Constitutions, rules, and laws The rights of citizens in the US & Western Hemisphere The roles of citizenship Governments today  Government Game! Citizens & proper use of authority

13 Interdependence citizenship Civic Life and Values Government
The governments of the United States, Canada, and Latin American nations cont. KEY CONCEPTS/THEMES Interdependence citizenship Civic Life and Values Government

14 Civics, Citizenship, and Government World History
The governments of the United States, Canada, and Latin American nations cont. STANDARDS Civics, Citizenship, and Government World History

15 Websites For students:
For teachers:

16 Work Cited

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