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Dong-Keun Jeon1, Yeonwoo Lee*2

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1 Dong-Keun Jeon1, Yeonwoo Lee*2
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.80 (AST 2015), pp.24-29 Performance Evaluation of CSMA/CA based High Rate WPAN Wireless Gateway for Ship Area Network Dong-Keun Jeon1, Yeonwoo Lee*2 1 Dept. of Mechatronics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea *2 Dept. of Information and Communications, College of Engineering, Mokpo National University, Chonnam, Korea Abstract. A typical ship area network provides wired instrument network con- nections and shipboard control networks. However, the need for high-speed da- ta transmission services of instrument-to-instrument and machine-to-machine is essential for a high-cost valued digital ship. Thus, this paper proposes IEEE based CSMA/CA high-rate wireless personal area network (HR- WPAN) wireless gateway application to ship area network, since a wireless gateway can support a high-quality transmission with energy efficiency and re- liable communications with devices. It is shown that the proposed HR-WPAN based wireless gateway architecture can guarantee reliable wireless transmis- sion with a proper link parameter selection. 1 Introduction The general ship area network architecture is generally organized as a single network with a backbone network comprised of three levels, i.e., instrument level, process level and system level, which is standardized by the international electro-technical commission (IEC) [1]. Navigational instruments are normally interconnected with the well-established IEC or IEC standards. These are based on standard asynchronous serial lines with a text message protocol, of which communication speed varies from 4.8 kbps up to 38.4 kbps. The conventional controller area network (CAN) of ship-board instruments based on IEC standard and NMEA2000 supports up to about 50 nodes to share a common bus at 250 kbps. The conventional network hierarchy with the international standard is mainly based on wired networks such as dedicated connections, instrument networks, and shipboard control networks with Ethernet connection. This network delivers main operations such as sensing and control shipboard systems and management of crucial information for safety and nav- igation. These operations are performed in many parts of the vessel from the engine room, to the bridge, to the administrative personnel, and even off of the ship to the owner’s office. However, the effective maximum throughput of the navigational instrument’s bus supported by the typical CAN connection is limited to 125 kbps. With this, a typical ISSN: ASTL Copyright © 2015 SERSC

2 2 CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN Wireless Gateway for Ship Area Network
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.80 (AST 2015) CAN cannot satisfy the increasing need for large amount of data transmission on board between a bunch of instruments and an integrated gateway. Besides control and navigational information between instruments devices, the need for various data ser- vices within a vessel is essential for a high-value added vessel. For this, a wireless transmission between devices (sensors) and a gateway is a reasonable option with respect to energy efficiency and system deployment cost. Therefore, this paper focuses on applying a wireless gateway, which is applicable to a ship area network for a high value added vessel that requires the need for various multimedia data services. For this, this paper proposes a CSMA/CA (channel sensing multiple access/collision avoidance) based HR- WPAN wireless gateway for SAN architecture for providing physical and MAC layer connectivity between different instruments connected to the same WAPN pico-network area. As such a wireless gateway, HR-WPAN piconet coordinator (PNC) is a very good option so as to pro-vide reliable transmission and flexible network deployment with high quality services. Thus, in order to minimize energy consumption of instruments or devices as well as to increase data throughput, a wireless gateway (HR-WPAN PNC) is taken into account applying CSMA/CA based MAC protocol in conjunction with a link parameter selec-tion. Section 2 in this paper describes the proposed CSMA/CA based wireless gate-way for SAN architecture with link parameters. Section 3 shows the simulation results and discussion of the proposed architecture, followed by the conclusion. 2 CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN Wireless Gateway for Ship Area Network 2.1 Structure of CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN Wireless Bridge The first version of shipboard data architecture developed by the IEC standard is the Maritime Information technology Standard (MiTS) project [2]. This uses four layers: instrument, process, system, and administrative. The MiTS was developed as an inte- grated ship control (ISC) protocol, which could integrate instrument networks (NMEA 2000) on the gateway with industrial data network in the automation system. This conventional SAN architecture is mainly based on wired networks such as dedi- cated connections, instrument networks (NMEA 2000), and shipboard control net- works (Ethernet-based MiTS). The lowest level instruments and devices are connect- ed to a gateway. The data throughput achieved by the conventional SAN architecture is not sufficient to meet the increasing need for higher data rate and multimedia ser- vices triggered by using various instruments, devices, and sensors. Thus, this paper presents a model of CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN PNC wireless gateway as shown in Fig. 1 in which a HR-WPAN PNC constructs a WPAN pico- network as a wireless gateway. This connects wireless data transmission between instruments (or devices) and a ship-board control network (i.e. Ethernet-based MiTS). As shown in Fig. 1, each WPAN device (DEV) is a wireless transceiver connected to each navigational instrument or sensors. Noting that the HR-WPAN piconet is suffi- ciently capable of supporting high-speed data transmission with high quality and en- Copyright © 2015 SERSC 25

3 2.2 Link parameters for energy efficiency and data
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.80 (AST 2015) ergy efficiency, this paper consider IEEE CSMA/CA based MAC protocol and evaluates the effect of link parameters selection. Fig. 1. The proposed CSMA/CS based HR-WPAN wireless gateway for ship area integrated network (wireless shipboard-to-instrument network).  L 2.2 Link parameters for energy efficiency and data In this paper, it is assumed that IEEE CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN system supports 5 data rates, i.e., 11, 22, 33, 44, and 55 Mbps with QPSK-TCM, DQPSK- TCM, 16QAM-TCM, 32QAM-TCM, and 64QAM-TCM, respectively [3]. The ener- gy required to transmit a frame using fragment size L, data rate (i.e., modulation lev- el) R, and transmission power Pt is given by where Erx is the receiving energy corresponding to the energy required for carrier sensing (ECS) and ACK recep- tion (EACK), and the data transmission energy (Etx). With consumption energy analysis and analytic calculation of energy for carrier sensing (ECS) by [4], the expected energy required to transmit an entire MSDU (MAC service data unit) is obtained as follows. (1) where Lremain is the size of the remaining data after the MSDU has been fragmented by splitting it into L fixed size fragments. Here, this paper has to be taken into account the effect of link parameters such as fragment size, data rate, and transmission power, since each parameter has a close correlation each other. Thus, this paper tries to find the optimal selection of link parameters to minimize the energy required to transmit a MSDU as in Eq. (1). This procedure is performed based on measurement information of received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and link quality indicator (LQI). The link selection procedure is to find the parameter combination of L (fixed fragmented size 26 Copyright © 2015 SERSC

4 3 Simulation Results and Discussion
Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.80 (AST 2015) of MAC data unit), R (data rate) and Pt (transmission power), i.e., [L, R, Pt] for a specific channel environment. 3 Simulation Results and Discussion For performance evaluation of CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN pico-network model, we use Matlab simulation tool. Most parameters assumed in this simulation are based on IEEE physical parameter and energy parameters [3], [5]. It is assumed that 10 HR-WPAN devices connect shipboard instruments are randomly distributed [6]. For evaluation of a ship specific channel condition, this paper considers the path loss value for two cases. For example, a steel ship seems to suffer severer path loss attenu-ation than that of FRF (fiber reinforced plastics) ship case. Fig. 2. Effect of parameter selection of CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN pico-network as a func- tion of the variation of noise power and path loss. Figure 2 shows simulation result of how the CSMA/CA HR-WPAN wireless gateway can adaptively change its link parameter set according to noise variation, which is based on link parameter selection and change based on minimizing energy consumption. As shown in Fig. 2, the transmission power is increased as the noise value increases along with decreasing data rate (PHY mode) and the fragment size. Figure 3 shows the overall energy consumption result as function of transmission power, which is subject to path loss and transmission power selection. As shown in Fig. 3, for a given transmission power, it is shown that a HR-WPAN instrument (de- Copyright © 2015 SERSC 27

5 Advanced Science and Technology Letters Vol.80 (AST 2015)
vice) with higher transmission power can save more energy than that with lower transmission power. When the noise power is below -65dBm, most transmission are successful with lower energy consumption with adaptively selected other parameters chosen by link parameter selection algorithm. From these results, we can see that the proposed CSMA/CA HR-WPAN wireless gateway can adjust link parameters accord- ing to channel conditions and thus, we can find the optimum parameter selection for a specific channel condition in a ship area network. Fig. 3. Energy consumption comparison result of CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN pico-network as a function of the variation of noise power and path loss for fixed PHY rate. For further study, we can evaluate the performance of energy consumption and data throughput as a function of selected link parameter and path loss. With this study, it will be confirmed that CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN wireless gateway network is a reasonable option for satisfying the need for various data services within a vessel is essential for a high-value added vessel by virtue of energy efficiency and system de- ployment cost. Therefore, this is applicable to a ship area network for a high value added vessel that requires the need for various multimedia data services. 4 Conclusion In this paper, we evaluated the performance of the CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN wireless gateway for an integrated SAN architecture. It was confirmed that a wireless gateway with the proper link parameters selection according to noise level and path loss condition could provide the minimum energy consumption and the maximum data throughput. Thus, the CSMA/CA based HR-WPAN wireless gateway and its pico-network with adaptively controlled parameter selection can be successfully ap- 28 Copyright © 2015 SERSC

6 Advanced Science and Technology Letters
Vol.80 (AST 2015) plicable to an uprising ship area network of supporting various multimedia data ser- vices. Acknowledgments. This research was supported by Basic Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2013R1A1A ). References Krile, S., Kezić, D., Dimc, F.: NMEA Communication Standard for Shipboard Data Archi-tecture. Our Sea, International Journal of Maritime Science & Technology, Vol. 60, No. 3 (2013) 68-81 Rødseth, Ø . J., Haaland, E.: MiTS-An Open Standard for Integrated Ship Control. Proceed-ings of ICMES 93, Hamburg, September (1993) IEEE , Part 15.3.: Wireless MAC and Physical Layer WPAN Standard. IEEE (2003) Joo, Y., Lee, Y.: QoS Guaranteed and Energy Efficient Transmission Scheme for Wireless Personal Area Networks. IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E91-B, No. 6 (2008) Lee, S., Lee, Y., Lee, S.: Multi-helper Relay Based WUSB/DRD/WLP Protocol in WiMedia Distributed MAC Systems. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineer-ing, vol. 9, no. 3, pp , (2014) Jeon, D., Lee, Y.: Performance Evaluation of a WiMedia based Wireless Bridge using Relay Cooperative Transmission. Advanced Science and Technology Letters, vol. 60 (Mobile and Wireless 2014), pp.1-5, (2014) Copyright © 2015 SERSC 29

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