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Algorithms for hard problems

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1 Algorithms for hard problems
Introduction Juris Viksna, 2017

2 Classical complexity - P and NP
P = NP P  NP P = NP NP complete NP P

3 Vertex cover - how to solve this?
Instance: A graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k Question: Is there a subset SV, such that |S|=k and for all {x,y}E either xS or yS? For what values of n =|V | and k we can solve this problem in practice? [Adapted from R.Downey and M.Fellows]

4 Vertex cover - how to solve this?
A "universal" approach: - problem is in NP, so we can try to search through all possible witnesses that vertex cover of the given size exists - the running time is nk, thus for n=100 we could probably deal with k<7 and for n=1000 with k<5... Can we do better?

5 Approaches to NP-hard problems
Branch-and-bound algorithms Heuristic methods Approximation algorithms Probabilistic algorithms Pseudo-polynomial algorithms FPT algorithms

6 Branch-and-bound algorithms
Bron-Kerbosch algorithm 1971 CLIQUE Instance: A graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k Question: Is there a subset SV, such that |S|=k and {x,y}E for all x,yS? [Adapted from D.Karabeg]

Instance: A complete graph G=(V,E) with edge weights w: ER+ Problem: Find a cycle of minimum cost containing each of the vertices exactly once. Note, that in this case we consider an optimization problem and not a decision problem

8 Heuristic methods TSP tour of Sweden 24978 cities length 72500 km
solved in 2004

9 Heuristic methods Idea - use a state space search algorithm (A*) with some reasonable heuristic: - states: partially completed cycles - production rules: all possible extensions of a partial cycle by adding one edge - if heuristic h will not exceed the minimum weight of extension to completed cycle, then A* guarantees to find an optimal solution (!)

10 Heuristic methods The given graph A legal tour Other MST
TSP. A legal tour is a (Hamiltonian) circuit: It is a spanning tree (when an edge is removed) with the constraint that each node has at most 2 adjacent edges Removing the adjacency constraint leads to h1: find the cheapest minimum spanning tree from the given graph (complexity O(n2 log n)) The given graph A legal tour Other MST [Adapted from Y.Peng]

11 Heuristic methods The given complete graph A legal tour
TSP. A legal tour is a (Hamiltonian) circuit: It is a connected second degree graph (each node has exactly two adjacent edges) Removing the connectivity constraint leads to h2: find the cheapest second degree graph from the given graph (complexity O(n3)) The given complete graph A legal tour Other second degree graphs [Adapted from Y.Peng]

12 Approximation algorithms
VERTEX COVER Instance: A graph G=(V,E) Problem: Find a largest subset SV, such for all {x,y}E either xS or yS? Again, here we consider an optimization problem Approximation algorithm for VERTEX COVER problem: S   E  E[G] while E let (u,v) be am arbitrary edge in E S  S  {u,v} remove from E every edge incident on either u or v return S

13 Approximation algorithms
Approximation algorithm for VERTEX COVER problem: S   E  E[G] while E let (u,v) be am arbitrary edge in E S  S  {u,v} remove from E every edge incident on either u or v return S [Adapted from T.Cormen et al]

14 Approximation algorithms
Approximation algorithm for VERTEX COVER problem: S   E  E[G] while E let (u,v) be am arbitrary edge in E S  S  {u,v} remove from E every edge incident on either u or v return S C* - the size of vertex cover C - the size of set S returned by algorithm From each pair {u,v} added to S at least one vertex should belong to any vertex cover Thus C  2C* Algorithm finds a 2-approximation

15 Approximation algorithms
Let C* be the cost of an optimal solution, and let C be the cost of the solution of an approximation algorithm. The algorithm has an approximation ratio of ρ(n) if, for all solutions max(C/C*,C*/C) ≤ ρ(n). We say that an approximation algorithm with an approximation ration of ρ(n) is a ρ(n)-approximation algorithm. [Adapted from S.Guattery]

16 Approximation algorithms
MAX CUT Instance: A graph G=(V,E) Problem: Split V in 2 disjoint sets V1 and V2, such that {{x,y}E | xV1 and yV2} is maximal Easy with (n) = 2 [Erdös 1965] NP-hard for (n) = 1.06 [Arora et al 1992] Polynomial for (n) = 1.14 [Goemans,Williamson 1993] maximize [Adapted from L.Lovász]

17 Approximation algorithms
An approximation scheme is an approximation algorithm that takes an instance and an ε > 0, and produces a (1+ε) approximation. If an approximation scheme runs in polynomial time in both the size its input and ε, we say it is a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS). [Adapted from S.Guattery]

18 Approximation algorithms
KNAPSACK Instance: A finite set A of elements, with a size s: AZ+ and value v: AZ+ for each element, and integer K Problem: Find a subset S A, such that xS s(x) K and xS v(x) is maximal. There is a PTAS for KNAPSACK problem with a running time O(n3/ ). If P ≠ NP, the general TSP problem cannot be approximated within any constant ρ ≥ 1.

19 Probabilistic algorithms
PRIMALITY TESTING Instance: A positive integer n Question: Is n a prime?

20 Probabilistic algorithms
Miller-Rabin algorithm gives a correct answer with probability p in time O(log (1/ p) (log n)3). If generalized Riemann hypothesis holds there is a O(log n)5) time deterministic algorithm. There is a deterministic O(log n)15/2) time algorithm (!) [Agarwal et al, 2004]. [Adapted from D.Harel]

21 Pseudo-polynomial algorithms
PARTITION Instance: A finite set A={a1,...,an} of positive integers Question: Is there a subset SA, such that xS x = xS x? A dynamic programming algorithm: B = xA x. For i n and j  B/2 define T(i, j) to be true if and only if there is a subset Y{a1,...,ai}, such that xY x = j. Formula: T(i,j) = true iff T(i-1, j)= true or T(i-1, j-ai)= true. Polynomial in nB (!), but not in n...

22 Pseudo-polynomial algorithms
[Adapted from D.Karabeg]

23 Vertex cover revisited
Instance: A graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k Question: Is there a subset SV, such that |S|=k and for all {x,y}E either xS or yS? We already developed time nk algorithm for this problem... However, it is possible to do better:

24 Vertex cover revisited
Algorithms for VERTEX COVER: O(f(k) n3) [Fellows, Langston 1986] O(f(k) n2) [Johnson 1987] O(2k n) (polynomial for k=O(log n)) [Fellows 1988] O(kn + 2k k2k+2) [Buss 1989] O(kn + 2k k2) [Balasubramanian et al 1992] O(3k n) [Papadimitriu 1993] O(kn + (4/3)k k2) [Balasubramanian et al 1996]

25 Parametrized complexity
Combinatorial "explosion" for NP-hard problems [Adapted from R.Downey and M.Fellows]

26 Parametrized complexity
Parametrized complexity attempts to confine combinatorial "explosion" [Adapted from R.Downey and M.Fellows]

27 Parametrized complexity - Definitions
Definition (FPT) A parametrized problem L  ** is Fixed Parameter Tractable if there is an algorithm that for input (x,y)  ** with |x| = k and |y| = n decides whether (x,y)  L in time f(k) n  , where f is an arbitrary function and  is a constant. Definition does not change if f(k) n is replaced by f(k) + n (!)

28 Parametrized complexity - Definitions
Mk for every n solves the problem in time f(k) n  For each k there is a constant ck, such that f(k) n  > n  + 1 for n ck M'k: - simulates Mk for n ck - looks up value from the table for n ck M'k solves the problem in time fꞌ(k) ck + n a+1

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