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Sexuality in Childhood and Adolescence

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Presentation on theme: "Sexuality in Childhood and Adolescence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexuality in Childhood and Adolescence
Nicholas Pickens Brian Powell Vivian Quach Arlene Araiza

2 Psychosexual development begins in infancy
Involves psychological aspects of sexuality Lays foundation for further stages of growth

3 Stroking Cuddling

4 Sexuality in Infancy and Childhood (Ages 0 to 11)
Cutaneous Phase - first phase of sexual development During this period, infant’s skin considered a single erogenous zone Humans’ earliest lessons learned in infancy. Interpret movements, facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice. Children experience reinforced by parental and societal upbringing.

5 Infancy and Sexual Response (Ages 0 to 2)
Infants observed discovering pleasure of genital stimulation soon after birth. Both male and female infants experiencing what appears to be an orgasm.

6 Childhood Sexuality (Ages 3 to 11)
Around the age children become aware of sex and sexuality. Children become small scientists - collecting data, performing experiments, attending conferences with their colleagues. Normative childhood sexual behavior

7 Childhood Sexual Behaviors

8 Curiosity and Sex Play Starts as early as age 3 when they begin interacting with their peers, children begin to explore their bodies together.

9 Masturbation and Permission to Feel Pleasure
Children often accidentally discover that playing with their genitals is pleasurable and continue this activity until reprimanded by an adult. Children need to understand masturbation is normal

10 The Family Context Family Nudity Expressing Affection
Bathing, swimming, sun bathing, dressing, or undressing Guidelines to follow in formation of sexuality in children: Accept and respect a child’s body and nudity Do not punish or humiliate child Respect a child's need for privacy Expressing Affection Need freely given physical affection How children should be told about touching Don’t frighten about sexuality Listen and trust

11 Video - How to Talk to Kids About Sex

12 Sexuality in Adolescence (Ages 12 to 19)

13 Adolescence “is the social and psychological state that occurs between the beginning of puberty and acceptance into full adulthood”.

14 Puberty Puberty- Human body is Capable of Reproduction Girls: 12
Boys: 14 Psycholsexual development- Girls & Boys are Learning Their Gender Sexual orientation Social roles

15 Hormones Female Ovaries Estrogen Menstruation Male
Testosterone production Spermarche-development of sperm in testicles

16 Physical Change Breast development Growth spurt
Pubic and underarm hair Vaginal mucus ____________________ Increase size testicles Pubic, face, underarm hair Voice deepening

17 Influences on Psychosexual Development
Factors that affect children: Parental Peer Media Religiosity These are the factors that increase/ decrease teen sexual behavior

18 Parental Influence Children learn about sexuality from parents.
They observe: parents’ behavior family dynamics characteristics. More needs to be added

19 Father Influence on Risky Sexual Behavior
Parental monitoring risky sexual behavior Communication Knowledge Type of Friends Time Money

20 Peer Influence Perception of peers sexual activity
Peers approval of having sex at their age The weight of peer pressure


22 The Media Television Magazines Advertisements Movies

23 Religiosity Stronger religious beliefs conservative sexual attitudes
Fewer sex partners

24 Society’s Assumption Heterosexuality heteronormativity

25 Gay, Lesbian, and Questioning Adolescents
Society is reluctant to acknowledge homosexuality openly -> gay, lesbian, bi sexual suffer emotional pain

26 Gay, Lesbian, and Bi Sexual
Secrecy Shame Suffering Self-mutilation Sexual abuse Drug and alcohol Suicide ideation

27 Adolescent Sexual Behavior
Hormonal changes during puberty bring about a dramatic increase in sexual interest. Masturbation Motivation for Sexual Activity First Intercourse

28 Masturbation Provides release from sexual tension
14 to 17 year old masturbate Alone or with a partner 74% of males 48% of females 13 to 15 years Males begin masturbating Females masturbate later in life

29 Motivations for Sexual Activity
Curiosity Pleasure Desire

30 Motivations for Sexual Activity
Waiting longer, or on birth control Community Family structure Peers Romantic partners Individual characteristics More aware

31 First Intercourse In 1960s, sexual revolution-Sexual liberation
Average age became 17 Sexual debut-The experience of first sexual intercourse Transition into adulthood Loss of sexual innocence

32 First Intercourse No universal consensus on which behaviors constituted having “had sex” 90% penile-vaginal 80% penile anal intercourse Oral sex, but not intercourse 50-59 year olds, three quarters agreed 16-19 year olds, half agreed

33 First Intercourse Views on virginity ages 18-35
54% identified their attitudes about virginity to be as a process 38% as a gift 8% as a stigma

34 Teenage Pregnancy 38% of pregnant girls earn a high school diploma
Babies born to teenage moms twice as likely to: Higher rates of preterm birth and low birth weight Disrupted family lives Absent fathers, poor diet, violent neighborhoods Limited health care and education Higher risk for being abused

35 Teenage Pregnancy Overall birth rates: 1990 and 2005 Steady rise
2009 to 2010 Fell 9% 34% 2012 to 2013 10% 29%

36 Teenage Mothers Unmarried Women in their 20s Teen mothers
75% unplanned pregnancies Teen mothers Almost 20% have a second birth before turning 20 Higher birth rates among: African American Hispanic American Indian

37 Teenage Fathers Has had a decreased rate over the past decade
Attitudes among teen males: 37% very upset 34% little upset 18% pleases or a little pleases Lower income Less education More children

38 Sexual Education Lifelong Process, from childhood to old age
Comprehensive Sexuality education - what is it? Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) Comprehensive sex education addresses the root issues that help teens make responsible decisions to keep them safe and healthy. These programs use a holistic approach to provide young people with complete, accurate, and age-appropriate sex education that helps them reduce their risk of HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and unintended pregnancy Comprehensive sex education includes age-appropriate, medically accurate information on a broad set of topics related to sexuality, including human development, relationships, decision making, abstinence, contraception and disease prevention Lifelong Process, learning about love, touch, affection when young and as we grow the message continues from both our families and social environment Talked about the evolution of our sexuality from birth to puberty and why it’s important we are educated through the entire process

39 Is Sexual Education important?
Yes, most teens and adults wish young people were getting information about both abstinence and contraception Most information is based on one or the other and many believe religious leaders and groups should be doing more to help prevent teen pregnancy The percentage of kids receiving contraception education between first and fifth grade is only between 7% and 10% Only a minority are receiving comprehensive sexual education at a young age What we’re taught at a young age reflects throughout life, religious leaders supporting abstinence

40 Guidelines to Good Sexual Education
Four Development Levels Early childhood Preadolescence Early Adolescence Adolescence Six Main Topics Human development Relationships Personal skills Sexual behavior Sexual health Society and culture. There is a huge push for Comprehensive Sexual Education by education such as the American Psychological Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America It is still unknown about the impact of sexual education on young people, but most professionals agree it is one of the most important preventative means we have. These big organizations are pushing for comprehensive Sexual education in an effort to get our government away from funding abstinence only programs which do not send the right message

41 Who makes the guidelines?
The World Health Organization (WHO) helped develop guidelines to a global perspective of Sexual Education The WHO focused on making a positive interpretation of sexuality to help better physical and mental health The WHO developed the guidelines in 2010

42 What are Abstinence-Only Programs
A Form of sexual education that teaches not having sex outside of marriage. Often excludes it often excludes other types of sexual and reproductive health education, such as birth control and safe sex. There is no evidence that abstinence-only programs work, but the government has funded over $1.5 billion to them since the late 1990s. The biggest reason why comprehensive sexual education has struggled to take over is because of all the funding that abstinence only programs receive. There is no difference in the amount of HIV/AIDS contracted or pregnancies happening, therefore it is disproven to work.

43 Fight Against Abstinence-Only Programs
These programs ignore a youth’s basic human right and go against the fundamental public health principle of accurate, balance sex education. These programs instill falsehoods in youth such as: Condoms have a high failure rate in preventing unintended pregnancy Condoms do not protect against human papillomavirus (HPV). Contraception is unreliable and ineffective Condoms are not effective in preventing the transmission of HIV and STIs 70% of people are having sex by the age of 19 programs that ignore youth’s basic human right and the fundamental public health principle of accurate, balanced sex education

44 Sex Education

45 Let’s Play a Game! The rules:
We will pass around an item and play music! When the music stops you have an opportunity to answer a question! If you get it right, you get a prize! If you get it wrong you gotta pass! When the music starts again you gotta keep passing!

46 Questions Questions from sexual education slides:
What is important about a young child’s healthy psychosexual development? Name two types of sensual pleasures that are essential to an infant’s healthy psychosexual development. What is the first phase of sexual development called? In Dr. Lindsey Doe’s video, she lists three reasons as to why early childhood sex education is important, what are they? What are the physical changes of a girl? What are the physical changes of a boy? What are the factors/ influences on children sex life? What is the meaning of sex debut? What is the current average age that people first have intercourse? There are many motivations for sexual activity and experimentation, what are the three reasons mentioned? Questions from sexual education slides: What is the percentage of teens receiving comprehensive sexual education? Which organization defined what comprehensive sexual education should be? How many different topics does comprehensive sexual education cover? Bonus points for remembering them! Name one falsehood that abstinence-only programs teach.

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