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Presentation on theme: "FASCISM V COMMUNISM 1."— Presentation transcript:


2 Benito Mussolini Josef Stalin 2

3 Totalitarianism - Government that has total, centralized control over every aspect of public and private life. The individual serves the state. 3

4 One political party Cult of personality
Government control of military, education, communications, and economy, Censorship Secret police 4

5 Fascism (Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany) Communism (Soviet Union)
Two Types of Totalitarianism-differ in ideology, similar in structure Fascism (Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany) Communism (Soviet Union) 5

6 During the 1920s, Italy turned to fascism as a means to settle its problems.

7 Fascism- form of totalitarianism based on a nationalist dictator
anti- rational spirit/will more important than mind Nationalism Racism is moral standard 7

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9 Leader of Italy- Il Duce Fascist Party
Benito Mussolini-The first fascist Leader of Italy- Il Duce Fascist Party Early Career journalist socialist 9

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11 Keys to Fascist Success support of non- working class
support of capitalism and church law and order anti- communism anti- democracy “Black Shirts” 11

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13 Mussolini’s Government 1922 March on Rome support of King
Social Economic Policy Syndicates- government based on industrial class Police State Restore Roman Empire- Invasion of Ethiopia 1935 13

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15 After the death of Lenin, Joseph Stalin seized power and transformed Russia into a totalitarian state 15

16 Trotsky=worldwide revolution Stalin= revolution in one country
Stalin became the leader by creating and breaking alliances, imprisoning, or executing his rivals. Trotsky=worldwide revolution Stalin= revolution in one country Stalin wins, exiles Trotsky 16

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18 Communism Form of socialism in which a single political party employs totalitarian methods to create a powerful state in the name of “the people”-also called Stalinism 18

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21 a stronger national defense modernization of Soviet economy
Five-Year plans forced, rapid industrial growth at expense of consumer goods and economic freedom a stronger national defense modernization of Soviet economy 21

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23 Collectivization of privately owned farmlands
Stalin crushes the Kulaks Gulags – forced labor camps 23

24 Stalinist economic policies cause great hardship and famine

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29 Secret police –Cheka (later the KGB)
To dominate the nation, Stalin devised various strategies of control and persuasion Secret police –Cheka (later the KGB) 29

30 1934-the Great Purge trials-
Public confessions of former rivals and supporters 30

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