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Chapter 11.3-11.4 Notes.

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1 Chapter Notes

2 African Americans during the War
In early years of war, African Americans not allowed to enlist in army. But as numbers declined, North opened up army. African Americans eventually make up 10% of Union army (Serve in segregate units) 38,000 African Americans lost their lives in the Civil War If captured by South usually not recognized as POWs and were executed Emancipation comes to Southern slaves as Union army moves through and conquers an area

Gen. Meade replaces Hooker (North) Lee and Meade meet July 1-3, 1863 at Gettysburg, PA 92,000 Union troops vs 76,000 CSA South wins first two days and pushes North back and into the hills North wins 3rd day and the overall battle Highlight of 3rd day is Pickett’s Charge where Gen. Pickett and his 15,000 men under Lee’s command fails to take fail to take control of a large open section after they “charged” the area

4 Gettysburg cont… Considered a Turning Point battle It is the “big one”
Even though war drags on for 2 more years, essentially breaks the South and starts the “countdown clock” Lincoln return in autumn of 1863 to give the Gettysburg Address, purpose of 2 minute speech (written on the back of an envelope) was to rally the troops, boost morale, and assert that men had not died in vain See page 358 map!!




8 Vicksburg Grant redeems his reputation at the Battle of Vicksburg, MS, July 4, 1863) Circles around the city and then takes capital of Jackson, MS finally seizes Vicksburg Battle occurs one day after Gettysburg and points to a Northern win of the war Southern hopes of foreign aid are all but gone.

9 Sherman’s March to the Sea
After Vicksburg, Grant is transferred to east where CSA troops had driven Union forces Chickamauga into city of Chattanooga Grant wins a series of battle here in Nov 1863 Grant’s new goal is to invade GA, a job which he gives to Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman who pushes from Chattanooga to Atlanta, GA (Nov 1864) “War is hell and I am bringing it home” Then marches from Atlanta to Savannah (to the sea) burning everything in his path (houses, crops, railroads, farms, warehouses, etc), make the south pay for the war The plan of “blockade, divide, and conquer is now coming to fruition. South had been blockaded, and conquered.

10 Lee Surrenders Grant’s war strategy was “when in doubt, fight” something Lincoln likes because he wants a general that will pursue Lee Engages Lee in a series of battles, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Cold Harbor, Petersburg These battles were known for being very bloody At Cold Harbor, 7,000 men died in a few minutes Richmond, VA (the CSA capital) falls, 1865 and in April 1865 Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, VA War begins in April 1861 and ends April 1865

11 Politics of War Lincoln had his opponents up North, even among his fellow Republicans. “Radical Republicans” felt Lincoln wasn’t doing enough to win the war, help African Americans, or punish the South Northern Democrats were perhaps the most dangerous to the Union “War Democrats” supported Lincoln and the war “Peace Democrats” opposed the war “Copperheads” extreme opponents to Lincoln and the War

12 Election of 1864 Lincoln for the Republicans vs George McClellan for the Democrats (whom Lincoln had previously fired as general) GM says AL is mismanaging the war Lincoln Wins

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