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Gephi Gephi is a tool for exploring and understanding graphs. Like Photoshop (but for graphs), the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the.

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Presentation on theme: "Gephi Gephi is a tool for exploring and understanding graphs. Like Photoshop (but for graphs), the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gephi Gephi is a tool for exploring and understanding graphs. Like Photoshop (but for graphs), the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the structures, shapes and colors to reveal hidden properties. @BeatrizPatraca

2 Open files in Gephi In the Gephi menu bar go to File Menu and Open the .gdf file When your file is opened, the report sum up data found and issues. Click OK @BeatrizPatraca

3 My first representation
First, you can see a hairball like this: @BeatrizPatraca

4 Data laboratory Open ‘data laboratory’ and check the matrix:
Edges, nodes and attributes. @BeatrizPatraca

5 Run a layout Locate the layout module on the left panel
Select Force Atlas You can see the layout properties below. Click on Run and Stop. @BeatrizPatraca

6 Control the layout The purpose of layout properties is to let you control the algorithm in order to make a readable representation. Force Atlas makes the connected nodes attracted to each other and pushes de unconnected nodes apart to create clusters of connections. @BeatrizPatraca

7 Control the layout Set the repulsion strength at to expand the graph Click enter to validate the value. Click stop when it seems as if you have some distinct clusters. Repulsion strength: How strongly each pair of connected nodes attracted each other. @BeatrizPatraca

8 Control the layout You should now see a graph with the layout applied.

9 Ranking (degree) Appearance module lets you configure node’s color and size. Choose: Color  Nodes  Attribute in the top left module and choose Degree from the dropdown menu. Click on Apply. Remember: degree=number of connections. Color Size @BeatrizPatraca

10 Ranking (color) Let’s configure colors.
Hover your mouse over the gradient bar then double click on each triangle. Try to use a bright colors for the highest degree so it’s easy to see who’s the most connected. Click on apply @BeatrizPatraca

11 Statistics Click the statistics tab in the top right module.
Click run next to average path length. Select directed or undirected and click ok @BeatrizPatraca

12 My Statistics When finished the metric displays its result in a report like this (betweenness, closeness and eccentricity): @BeatrizPatraca

13 Data laboratory Now, the main centrality measures appear in Data laboratory tab. @BeatrizPatraca

14 Appearence (size) Click on the icon for size.
Set min size at 10 and max size at 50. Play around with these numbers depending on the size of your network. @BeatrizPatraca

15 Appearance (Betweenness)
Return to appearance in the top left module and choose a rank parameter from the dropdown menu: Betweenness centrality Click on the icon for size. Set min size at 10 and max size at 50. Play around with these numbers depending on the size of your network. @BeatrizPatraca

16 My network (betweenness and size)
Color: Degree Size: Betweenness centrality metric @BeatrizPatraca

17 Labels In the bottom of the “Overview Window” click on the tool square and select the label that you need. @BeatrizPatraca

18 Labels Display node labels Set label size proportional with node size
Use the slider to adjust the overall label size to your liking. You can also change the font style by clicking next to the slider @BeatrizPatraca

19 My labels @BeatrizPatraca

20 Community detection Go back to the statistics panel and click Run near the “Modularity”. Check “randomize” and click ok. @BeatrizPatraca

21 Partition The community detection algorithm created a “Modularity class” for each node, which we’ll use to colorize the communities. Locate the appearance module on the left panel and click on attribute and color. @BeatrizPatraca

22 Partition Choose “modularity class” from the dropdown menu. You can click “randomize colors” if you don’t like the colors. Click apply to colorize. @BeatrizPatraca

23 My partition @BeatrizPatraca

24 Filter Go to the filters in the top right module and open the “topology” folder. Drag the “degree range” filter in to the “Queries” and drop it to “drag filter here”. Click on the “degree range” to activate the filter. It shows a range slider and the chart that represents the data, the degree distribution here. Move the slide to sets its lower bound to 2 and filter. Nodes with a degree inferior to 2 are now hidden. @BeatrizPatraca

25 Preview At the very top left click on the preview tab.
Under node set check “show labels” and click refresh at the bottom. Click on the presets list and try different configurations. @BeatrizPatraca

26 My preview @BeatrizPatraca

27 Networks (some representations)

28 Export Choose to export at the bottom left in either SVF or PDF.
Now you have visualized your facebook network community clusters! @BeatrizPatraca

29 Based on: Gephi website Gephi Wiki Gephi forum @BeatrizPatraca

30 @BeatrizPatraca

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